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Diagrammer > Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK > Accessible diagrams and dashboards > High contrast mode
High contrast mode
A high contrast mode supports people with low vision. On Microsoft® Windows® systems, high contrast mode is available from the Control Panel; in the Ease of Access Center in Windows 7 and equivalent facilities in other versions of Windows.
In JViews Diagrammer, the recommended way to support high contrast mode is to design a special cascading style sheet (CSS) for this mode. You can use the cascading feature to combine different CSS files.
An application might have a style sheet for everything except colors and fonts, a style sheet defining the colors and fonts for normal mode, and a different style sheet defining brighter colors and larger fonts for high contrast mode. The choice of style sheet can be implemented by checking IlvSwingUtil.isHighContrastMode.
    if (IlvSwingUtil.isHighContrastMode()) {
        diagrammer.addStyleSheet(new URL("file:highContrastStyleSheet.css"));
    } else {
        diagrammer.addStyleSheet(new URL("file:normalStyleSheet.css"));
Instead of using two different style files, you can also specify a high contrast and a normal contrast theme in the same style file, by using the CSS pseudo-classes high-contrast and normal-contrast. The following code example shows this kind of CSS file:
    node {
       ... here are all settings that apply to normal and high contrast ...
    node:normal-contrast {
       ... here are color and font settings that apply to normal contrast ...
    node:high-contrast {
       ... here are brighter color and larger font settings that apply to high contrast ...
The SDM engine is initialized with the contrast theme detected from the operating system. To change the initial setting, you can call in Java:

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