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Diagrammer > Developing with design tools > Using the Dashboard Editor > Using the Dashboard Editor > Dashboard XML files
Dashboard XML files
The Dashboard XML file structure contains the data necessary to render a dashboard diagram. Part of the contents of the firstDashboard.idbd file you created between Creating a dashboard and Saving a dashboard is shown in the following figure.
The XML structure of a dashboard.idbd file
<Dashboard version="BC1">
    <symbol id="Dial_1">
      <palette CSSResourceName="ilog/views/palettes/shared/symbols/Dial.css"
 className="Symbol" fullID="Symbols.Controls.Dial"
 paletteJarURL="file:/C:/Program Files/Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer 2017/jviews-diagrammer/lib/palettes/jviews-palette-shared-symbols-9.0.jar" palettePackage="ilog/views/palettes/shared/" paletteResourceName="ilog/views/palettes/shared/palette.xml"/>
 <geometry height="190.0" width="189.99998" x="162.57141" y="128.67432"/>
   <parameter id="value" mapping="value" type="double">
   <parameter id="toolTipText" type="string"/>
   <parameter id="popupMenuName" type="string"/>
   <parameter id="sensitive" type="boolean">
    #ILOG Views Java 1.0
    #Reader :
    ilog.views.IlvGrapher {
      Layers [
        ilog.views.IlvManagerLayer {
          index 0 visible true selectable true
          elements [ DEF obj_0 ilog.views.graphic.IlvGeneralPath {
            path "M51.0 23.0L281.0 23.0L281.0 251.5L51.0 251.5L51.0 23.0z"
            windingRule "nonzero"
            strokeOn true
            strokeColor 255 0 0
            fillOn false
            fillColor 255 0 51
      }, ilog.views.IlvManagerLayer {
      index 1
      visible true
      selectable true
      elements [
A dashboard diagram file contains the following information:
*References to XML and CSS data used by the symbols included in the dashboard diagram. For each symbol, a .idbd file contains the following data:
*The position of each symbol in the dashboard diagram.
*Parameter data for each symbol in the dashboard diagram.
*The position and style of the background objects.

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