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Diagrammer > Developing with design tools > Using the Designer > Using more Designer features > Using background maps
Using background maps
A background map is typical of applications that require georeferenced data, for example, vehicle routing or network management. To use predefined maps supplied with JViews Diagrammer or to create your own maps with Rogue Wave JViews Maps, you must have purchased and installed the JViews Maps product. The JViews Map Builder and JViews Maps API of JViews Maps allow you to create maps for a specific region with features such as roads and boundaries.
You can select a Map Diagram in the New Diagram Wizard; see the following figure.
A diagram with a background map
To see this diagram, load the XML data file supplied as <installdir>/jviews-diagrammer/bin/designer/data/examples/example.xml; the New Diagram Wizard sets the Map Diagram type by default because of the latitude and longitude values present in the data.
Note that users cannot interact with the map: it is a static file.
If you do not select a Map Diagram in the New Diagram Wizard, you can later add a map to an existing diagram.
To add a background map:
1. Click Edit > Options.
2. Check the Background Map box.
3. Click OK.
The default map in the Designer is a world map. Your nodes are positioned according to their latitude and longitude attributes. If the data model does not include these attributes, the nodes are positioned in the upper left corner of the map.
To change the background map:
1. Select Background Map in the Options section of the Style Rules pane.
2. Set Map to the appropriate file name in the Styling Customizer.

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