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Diagrammer > Getting started > Introducing JViews Diagrammer > Managing dashboards > Dashboard introspection
Dashboard introspection
In this process, the dashboard is also loaded from its description file, but the application is able to dynamically discover the content of the dashboard and manage the association between the symbols and the custom data contained in the application. In this case, you have to take advantage of the iterators provided by the IlvDashboardDiagram class and the metadata description available at the level of each symbol.
This process allows you to create very generic applications based on content (that is, dashboards created with the Dashboard Editor) instead of code. The same runtime engine is able to connect data to symbols from their description, manage navigation, animation, and so on.
The application <installdir>/jviews-diagrammer/samples/dashboard/tunnel-monitoring/index.html is provided as part of the JViews Diagrammer demonstration software to illustrate this generic approach with a simulator that is able to compute and deliver a set of active values, and dashboards that are dynamically connected to these active values, purely based on the mapping information described in dashboard files.
For greater flexibility and also to allow you to create more advanced dashboards, the Dashboard Editor is extendible. This allows you to create dashboards and symbols with the right level of information expected by your runtime application. Please refer to the Using the Dashboard Editor documentation for more information about how to customize the Dashboard Editor.
For more information, see the Using the Dashboard Editor user documentation, the BAM Dashboard and Tunnel Monitoring samples, and the ilog.views.dashboard package in the Java API documentation.

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