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Diagrammer > Getting started > Introducing JViews Diagrammer > Managing dashboards > Direct data feeding
Direct data feeding
In this process, the dashboard is loaded from its description file. Utility methods allow you to retrieve symbols of the loaded dashboard, and then to set particular values for the properties. When properties have been mapped to some specific parameters in the Dashboard Editor, the model already contains the corresponding properties to be directly set on the symbols. The following is an example of the code to write when you manage a dashboard through direct data feeding.
Managing a dashboard through direct data feeding
IlvDashboardDiagram _dashboard;
IlvDashboardContext context = new IlvDashboardContext();
// create the dashboard
_dashboard = new IlvDashboardDiagram(context);
String path = "data/dashboard.idbd";
// ......
url = new URL("file:./" + path);
// ......
// Load the dashboard
// Retrieve a given symbol
Object symbol = _dashboard.getObject("my_symbol");
// Set a symbol property
_dashboard.setObjectProperty(symbol, "my_value", new Integer(123));
The application <installdir>/jviews-diagrammer/samples/dashboard/bam/index.html is provided as part of the JViews Diagrammer demonstration software to illustrate how to create dashboards that are directly managed by Java™ code.

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