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Diagrammer > Samples and code examples > Starting the samples > Running application samples
Running application samples
The samples provided in the distribution are already compiled so you are not required to compile them to be able to run them. If you want to modify a sample and recompile it, every sample contains a build.xml file so that you can compile and run the sample. This file is an Ant project file. Ant is a Java-based build tool that is developed by the Apache Software Foundation (see The distribution contains a version of Ant that you can use if you do not have Ant already installed on your computer. The Ant installation can be found in the <installdir>/jviews-framework/tools directory.
To use Ant, you must set the following environment variables:
*JAVA_HOME to point to the Java Platform, Standard Edition that you are using. For more information about supported versions of Java®, see Detailed System Requirements for Rogue Wave® JViews.
The build.bat and scripts use the version of Ant provided in the distribution. If you use these scripts, you do not set any other environment variables. If you want to run Ant directly, for example to use your own Ant installation, then you must set:
*ANT_HOME to point to your Ant directory.
Add the Ant bin directory to your PATH.
To recompile a sample, go to the samples directory and enter the command:
(or on UNIX® and Linux®).
Alternatively, if you use Ant directly:
ant clean
The samples that can run as applications also have a run target in their build.xml files and run.[bat|sh] batch files:
(or on UNIX and Linux).
Alternatively, if you use Ant directly:
ant run
For more information on how to use the build.xml file of a sample use:
ant -projecthelp
You can read the Ant documentation at

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