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Defense > Glossaries > JViews Maps Glossary > M
map feature
A map feature is an object that represents a cartographic data as it was read from its source file. It can be a segment of road, an aerial image, the summit of a hill, or a digital terrain model. A map feature holds three main information fields: its geometry, the projection in which its geometry is expressed, and its attributes.
Map Layer
A Map Layer defines the look and feel of part of a map background. A Map Layer contains a data source and its associated styling information, such as zoom levels, grids, properties, and so on. Together, a set of Map Layers constitute a theme, see theme. Map Layers can be managed individually.
map loader
The map loader is a facility supplied with JViews Maps that allows you to import into a JViews manager a map that has a predefined format. Predefined formats in Rogue Wave® JViews are CADRG, DTED®, and Shapefile.
Military Grid Reference System. An extension of the UTM map coordinate system.
MIF file
MapInfo® interchange files for vector maps. This format may contain rendering information.
Multithreading is a programming paradigm for implementing application concurrency and, therefore, also a way to exploit the parallelism of shared memory multi-processors.

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