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Defense > Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK > Using JViews products in Eclipse RCP applications > The bridge between AWT/Swing and SWT
The bridge between AWT/Swing and SWT
Using IlvSwingControl instead of the native SWT_AWT class has the following benefits:
*Simplicity: it is easier to use, since you do not have to worry about the details of the Component hierarchy (see
*Portability: IlvSwingControl also works on platforms that do not have SWT_AWT, like X11/Motif® and MacOS® X 10.4.
*Less flickering: on Linux®/Gtk, flickering is reduced.
*Pop-up menus: pop-up menus can be positioned on each Component inside the AWT component hierarchy. For details of components, see
*Better size management: the size management between SWT and AWT (LayoutManager) is integrated.
*Focus: it provides a workaround for a focus problem on Microsoft® Windows® platforms.
NOTE >> The IlvSwingControl bridge is not supported on all platforms. It is only supported on Windows, UNIX® with X11 (Linux, Solaris™, AIX®, HP-UX®), and MacOS X 10.4 or later.
The IlvSwingControl bridge does not support arbitrary JComponents. Essentially, components that provide text editing are not supported. See IlvSwingControl for a precise description of the limitations.

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