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Defense > Programmer's documentation > Programming with JViews Maps > Creating a map application using the API > The See-Through interactor
The See-Through interactor
The IlvSeeThroughInteractor allows the user to temporarily see a part of a map independently from the current layer visibility states. This means that users can interactively reveal layers beneath a layer over which the mouse is pressed.
With this interactor, the user drags a square over the map, which displays the layers registered for this interactor. IlvSeeThroughConfigurationPanel is provided as a default configuration tool to interactively select layers in a Swing GUI.
IlvSeeThroughInteractor seeThrough = new IlvSeeThroughInteractor();
// configure the interactor
IlvSeeThroughConfigurationPanel panel = new
          IlvSeeThroughConfigurationPanel(manager, seeThrough);
JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane();
JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(view, title);
// attach to the view.
To create this interactor and attach it to an IlvManagerView, use the following code:

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