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Defense > Developing with design tools > Using the Symbol Compiler > Using compiled symbols in applications > Using compiled symbols at the Graphic Framework level
Using compiled symbols at the Graphic Framework level
The Symbol Compiler allows you to use the palette symbols designed with the Symbol Editor in a simple IlvManager or IlvGrapher without SDM model, SDM engine, IlvDiagrammer, or dashboard diagram. You can create instances of the compiled symbol classes and add them to an IlvGraphicBag (for example, IlvManager or IlvGrapher) with full access to the Graphic Framework API.
You can also extend the generated class and add more elements or more behavior to your symbols.
When programmatically setting your symbol parameter values, keep in mind that the bounding box of your object may change and you may need to do it in an IlvApplyObject. See the documentation of IlvGraphicBag.applyToObject for more information. If the layout of graphical elements in your symbol is changed when you set a parameter value, you have to invalidate it using the IlvCompositeGraphic.invalidate method.

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