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Defense > Developing with design tools > Using the Symbol Compiler > Using compiled symbols in applications > Using compiled symbols in an IlvDiagrammer
Using compiled symbols in an IlvDiagrammer
When you use a symbol in an IlvDiagrammer component, the SDM engine of IlvDiagrammer customizes by default an IlvSDMCompositeNode (a subclass of IlvCompositeGraphic) using the CSS of the palette symbol.
Instead of using a CSS-customized SDM composite node, you can use the compiled version of your symbol by enabling an option of your IlvDiagrammer SDM engine, as follows:
This requires that your compiled symbol classes are available in the class path of your application. When creating the graphic object of a node, if the SDM engine finds, in the class path, a Java™ class with the full name corresponding to the palette package name and the palette symbol ID, it creates an instance of the compiled symbol. Otherwise, it creates a regular SDM composite node customized with the symbol CSS. This automatic use of compiled symbols is also applicable to an IlvDashboardDiagram component.

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