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Defense > Developing with design tools > Using the Symbol Compiler > Getting to know the Symbol Compiler > Testing the compiled symbol classes
Testing the compiled symbol classes
Once you have compiled your symbol classes (see Compiling Java classes), you can test your project symbols by using the Test Compiled Symbols button in the toolbar.
Important The compiled symbol class is read only once by the class loader. If a version of the same class is found in the class path and loaded before you compile your symbol, the new version is not loaded.
You can test all the symbols in your project or only the selected symbols. If there is no selected symbol, all the symbols of the project are tested.
To open the Test window:
*Click the Test Compiled Symbols icon in the toolbar.
The Test window displays the instances of the compiled symbols inside an IlvGrapher object.
The Test Symbol Interaction mode
of the toolbar allows you to test the interactors of the symbols.
The Selection Mode
allows you to select a symbol, resize it, or inspect its parameters.

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