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Developing with the SDKs
You may have specific requirements in your application that cannot be satisfied by the pre-defined behavior of the Map Builder or the Designer alone. For example, if your application requires specialized interactions or if you need to implement the data model interface to connect to your application data.
The SDK offers you a comprehensive API to use or extend the Java™ classes involved in the creation of your map-based application. You can basically access all the entities involved in your application, enrich them with new behavior, or modify predefined behavior. See the Programmer's documentation for more detailed information.
SDK Layers in JViews Maps for Defense
All JViews libraries are built on top of the Java 2D™ and Swing libraries, with no platform-specific code. This means that applications developed with JViews Maps for Defense run on any platform that supports Java™. The only exceptions to this rule are the 3D features based on OpenGL libraries through JOGL (
Above JViews Framework is Rogue Wave®  JViews Maps, which provides a wide range of map manipulation and display services. It is built on the data structures and I/O facilities of JViews Framework.
At the same level, there is JViews Diagrammer, which provides a wide variety of displays consisting of custom graphic objects that are data-aware. This means that the graphic objects in the display can change their appearance as the underlying data model changes. For example, a graphic object that represents a vehicle can have its color change if its status field changes.
The JViews Diagrammer SDK is needed when you display interactive objects on top of your maps (the symbols), whereas the Rogue Wave® JViews Maps for Defense SDK handles the background map manipulations.
Rogue Wave® JViews Diagrammer uses a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture that will be very familiar to Java™ programmers used to the Swing structure. Its purpose is to separate the data model from the views and connect the two with a rule-based style manager that controls the look of the objects based on the data values.
JViews Diagrammer calls this mechanism Styling and Data Mapping (SDM). It is used by JViews Maps for Defense to store and manipulate any interactive object that appears on top of a map.
Thus, JViews Maps for Defense uses two distinct data structures:
*One for storing the map data that is relatively static (such as definitions for roads and boundaries).
*SDM for storing information about the custom objects of an application.
JViews Maps for Defense is built on top of the layer that contains Rogue Wave JViews Maps and JViews Diagrammer. The specific contribution of JViews Maps for Defense is to provide the terrain analysis and APP-6a symbology features. A set of map formats specifically for military use are also provided.

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