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Defense > Samples and code examples > Starting the samples > Running the samples for WebSphere Application Server (WAS) > Installing and starting the samples for WAS
Installing and starting the samples for WAS
The function to install and start the sample applications is similar across both the Tomcat script and the WAS script. The following instructions assume that WebSphere Application Server is installed. If it is not installed, complete the installation of WAS before continuing. Refer to the WAS product installation guide for help.
You must also make sure that Ant is in your path. An Ant executable is provided in jviews-framework\tools\apache-ant-1.9.9.
Building a complete .war file
You can create a .war file that contains the full set of product .jar files, which results in a much larger .war file.
To build and install a complete .war file:
1. Review the defined values in file ./ and modify as required; for example, to specify WAS username and password credentials.
2. Run the command-line instruction ant -f build_was.xml ws.installapp.complete.
Building a .war file with shared libraries
To recompile the sample application and deploy it to the application server:
1. Double-check the values in file ./
2. Run the command-line instruction ant -f build_was.xml ws.installapp.
This process initializes the environment, including starting the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) if it has not already been started, creates a shared library in the WAS runtime environment, and deploys the sample .war file. On completion of application deployment, the WAS Ant script, build_was.xml, produces a URL You can use this URL to view the sample in a supported Web browser, for example, Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. For supported browsers, see Requirements for Rogue Wave JViews Maps for Defense.
The shared library in the WAS references the required product .jar files located in the product installation. In this way, you do not have to copy these files to multiple locations on the same machine.
Auxiliary Ant tasks
Auxiliary tasks offer helpful guidance as to the system configuration, for example:
*ws.list.ports lists all WAS ports and highlights the one that corresponds to the WebSphere admin console.
*ws.list.profiles lists all the WAS profiles.
Uninstalling the sample application
To uninstall the sample application:
*Run the command-line instruction ant -f build_was.xml ws.uninstallapp.
The sample application is removed from the WebSphere Application Server.

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