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Charts > Programmer's documentation > The generic printing framework > The printing framework > The Page class
The Page class
An IlvPage object represents a physical page to be printed. It must be added to a printable document so that the page can be printed by a printer, or previewed by the preview framework. The IlvPage is implemented as a collection of printable objects. It has the addPrintableObject and removePrintableObject methods, which you can use to manage the printable objects in a page.
Once a page is added to a printable document, you can get the index of the page in that document by calling the getPageIndex method. The index of the page is determined by the order in which it is added. The getDocument method allows you to know the owner of the printable page.
To know the page format of the page, you can call the getPageFormat method. By default, this method returns the page format of the document.

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