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Charts > Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Charts SDK > Displaying Data Indicator > Data Indicator
Data Indicator
A data indicator is a graphical indicator of a data value. The data value to represent can be of different types:
*a value along the x-axis,
*a value along the y-axis,
*a data interval along the x-axis,
*a data interval along the y-axis,
*a data window.
The graphical representation of a data indicator is composed of:
*A delimiter that indicates the data area (a simple line for an x- or y-value or a more complex shape that represents a data interval or a data window that depends on the projection).
*An optional label.
Data indicators are instances of the IlvDataIndicator class and are handled directly by a chart. The IlvDataIndicator class is a subclass of IlvChartDecoration.
If you want to add a data indicator to a chart, use the method addDecoration.
If you want to remove a data indicator from a chart, use the method removeDecoration.
The complete source code of this example can be found in <installdir>/jviews-charts/codefragments/chart/data-indicator/src/
        // A data indictor that highlights the range [5,13] along the x-axis.
        IlvDataIndicator indic = new IlvDataIndicator(-1, new
IlvDataInterval(5,13), null);
        // set the rendering style
        // A data indicator that indicates the value 23 as a threshold line
        // along the y-axis. It displays the 'Threshold' value.
        indic = new IlvDataIndicator(0, 23, "Threshold");
        // change its draw order so that it is drawn ABOVE renderers
        // customizer its label renderer

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