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Charts > Developing with design tools > Using the Designer > Getting started > Running the Designer
Running the Designer
The Designer is available in the Start menu. The Designer software is also available in the <installdir>/jviews-charts/bin/designer directory.
To run the Designer from Windows:
1. Navigate to the directory <installdir>/jviews-charts/bin/designer.
2. Double-click run.bat.
To run the Designer from UNIX:
1. Make sure your PATH environment variable is set correctly to find the directory <installdir>/jviews-charts/bin/designer.
2. Enter
When you start the Designer, it opens with the New Chart Wizard displayed as if you had chosen File>New from Wizard.
To set the startup conditions:
1. You can close the wizard if you do not want to create a new chart as proposed.
2. You can also enable or disable the opening of the wizard on startup from its first page.
3. You can change mode using the buttons in the vertical toolbar. Outside the wizard, the way the Designer operates depends on the mode it is in.

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