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Charts > Getting started > Introducing JViews Charts > Developing with JViews Charts > When to use the API
When to use the API
The decision points at which you may decide to use the Java API are:
*Extend the Data Model.
If your data cannot be connected by JDBC or is not in XML or is not held in an in-memory data model, you must use the Java API to integrate your data into the Designer before starting development of your chart component. See Extending the Data Model in Developing with the SDK.
*Extend the graphic refinement of your chart component.
If after you complete a development cycle in the Designer you find that you require graphic refinement features that are not available in the GUI, you can achieve these by using the Java API directly. See Writing a new grid in Developing with the SDK.
*Write your own interactor.
See Writing your own interactor in Developing with the SDK.
*Integrate your component into an application.
See Integrating your development into an application in Using the Designer.
See Printing in Developing with the SDK.
*Deploy an application as a thin client.
See Developing JViews Charts JavaScript Web applications in Building Web Applications.

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