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Charts > Samples and code examples > Starting the samples > Running the samples for WebSphere Application Server (WAS) > Running the server-side samples on WAS
Running the server-side samples on WAS
Launch a Web browser to access the demos:
*For Ajax and JSF demos, access https://localhost:9443/
By default, applications are deployed on port 9443 of the WebSphere Application Server. If this port is already in use or if the administrator wants to deploy to another port, you can change it using the Admin Console. Follow the links in the left-side panel to Servers > Server Types > WebSphere Application Servers and select the required server instance from the list of available servers, then select Ports (in the Communications section).
*To display the list of all installed Web applications or to install other sample applications, access the Admin Console: https://localhost:9043/ibm/console/. By default, the application server starts in secure mode. Access to the Admin Console therefore requires authentication credentials to be specified during the installation or later configuration of WebSphere Application Server. After logging on, follow the links, from the left-side menu, to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.

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