DHTML Release Notes

JViews 5.0 Graphics Framework DHTML Release Notes

This document describes the changes that have been made to the JViews Graphics Framework Thin-client JavaScript classes since version 4.0.

General Changes
New Classes
Modified Classes

General Changes

The DHTML classes are now located in <installdir>/classes/thinclient/javascript and <installdir>/classes/thinclient/javascript/framework.

The file <installdir>/classes/thinclient/javascript/framework/framework.js contains all the JavaScript classes required to run a DHTML client for the framework.

The directory <installdir>/classes/thinclient/javascript/gantt contains specific JavaScript classes for the Gantt Chart (see the thin client section in the Gantt Chart Users Manual).

You can read the documentation of DHTML classes at: <installdir>/doc/jscript/index.html.

Most of the existing components have a new base class. Consequently, it is now required to include more .js files to use a component.

New Classes

Modified Classes






The methods:
onmousedown(event) - To handle mouse down events.
onmouseup(event) - To handle mouse up events.
onmousemove(event) - To handle mouse move events.
onkeypress(event) - To handle key press events.

Are now deprecated in favor of:

mouseDown(event) - To handle mouse down events.
mouseUp(event) - To handle mouse up events.
mouseMove(event) - To handle mouse move events, but not drag events.
mouseDrag(event) - To handle mouse drag events.
keyPressed(event) - To handle key press events.

However, interactors written in JViews 4.0 will still work properly.


