Accessors for class IlvNotebookPage



IlvNotebookPage is the implementation of the page of a notebook (see the class IlvNotebook).
The notebook page is composed of a rectangular usable area and a tab that can contain a label, a bitmap, or both. The class IlvNotebookPage creates an IlvGadgetContainer to display the contents of the page.

ColorbackgroundChanges the background color of the notebook page.
StringfileNameChanges or returns the file name (the name of the .ilv file) associated with the page. The file is loaded into the gadget container (if any).
StringlabelChanges the tab's label. The label can be a reference to the language database. The result can be NULL if the tab has no label.
Returns the tab's label.
StringnameSets or returns the name of the notebook page.
IlvNotebooknotebookReturns the notebook corresponding to the page.
BooleansensitiveChanges the sensitive attribute of the page.
Returns true if the page is sensitive, that is, if the page can be selected.
IlvGadgetContainerviewChanges the view associated with the page. The parent of the view passed must be the result of the parent property of IlvNotebook. The previous view of the object is deleted.
Returns the view associated with the page. If no such view exists, a view will be created for the notebook page.