Accessors for class IlvDateField



IlvDateField is a text field gadget used to edit a date.

StringformatThe date consists of three parts separated by a separation character. This property specifies which part represents the day, the month, or the year, and which separator to use.
The date should be formatted as follows:
dd/mm/yy, MM/dd/yy, yyyy/m/d, M/d/yy, and so on.
The formats are defined as:
writes the day as a number with no leading zero.
writes the day as a number with leading zero if necessary.
writes the month as a number with no leading zero.
writes the month as a number with leading zero if necessary.
writes the month name. If the month names below appear in the language database, then the corresponding name is taken from the language database. Otherwise, the character `&' is removed.
Month names: &January, &February, &March, &April, &May, &June, &July, &August, &September, &October, &November, &December.
writes the abbreviated month name. If the abbreviated month names below appear in the language database, then the corresponding name is taken from the language database. Otherwise, the abbreviated month name is taken with the character `&' removed.
Abbreviated month names: &january, &february, &march, &april, &may, &june, &july, &august, &september, &october, &november, &december.
writes the last two digits of the year.
writes the year.
If you change the format when the text has a value, the value will be changed according to the new format.

Only a single day, year or month format can be used in the property.

StringseparatorGets or sets the date separator.
TimevalueGets or sets the date.