Accessors for class IlvView




The IlvView class is provided basically for drawing on the screen. It is designed to be used as the child of a previously created IlvAbstractView class, or as a new top-level window.

BooleaniconifiedRequests that this window be iconified.
Specifies whether this top-window is iconified or not.
BooleanisModalReturns true if the view is in modal mode, and false otherwise.
BooleanshowModal(Boolean systemModal)Shows the window in a modal mode. systemModal must be set to true to get system modal behavior. If this parameter is set to false, the view uses the application modal behavior.
showModal usually returns true, but returns false if an error occurs, that is, if one of the following conditions is satisfied:
  • The view is not a top level view but a child view.

  • The view has no system view.

  • The view is already in modal mode.

  • The grab failed (only applicable in system modal behavior).

  • The view has been deleted (not recommended practice!).

StringtitleGets or sets the window title of this object. Note that if the title string begins with the "&" character, then it is considered as a multi-lingual string, and is translated depending on the current language.
BooleanvisibleGets or sets the visibility of the view. Note that the returned value may not be up-to-date if the event loop has not yet been emptied.