Accessors for class IliEntryField



The IliEntryField class defines a text field that can be connected to a data source.
An entry field can be connected to a data source column. Whenever the value of this column changes in the data source, the entry-field value property is updated accordingly.
An entry field has both a value and a label. The label, inherited from class IlvTextField contains a character string representation of the value. So, for instance, if the value is set to the integer 10, the label will become the character string "10".
The end user can edit the label through the entry field. In this case, the value can become temporarily out of synch with the label. The data source to which the entry field is connected will detect that the input has been modified, parse the label to produce a corresponding value, and store it both in the data source column and in the entry field value property.

StringcolumnNameContains the column name that the gadget must connect to. The column name must designate a valid column of the data source.
IliDataSourcedataSourceContains the data source object. This property cannot be written to if the dataSourceName property is not empty. In other words, the data source can be specified either literally through the dataSource property or by name through the dataSourceName property, but not both.
StringdataSourceNameContains the data source name.
StringformatContains the format used to derive the external representation of the field from its internal value. Note that the format will be temporarily disabled when the entry field gains the focus (if it is editable).
BooleaninputModifiedThis property is true if the textual representation has been edited by the end
StringmaskContains the mask used to edit values in the field.
IntmaxLengthContains the maximum number of characters the user can type in an entry field. If maxLength has a negative value, it means that there is no limit.
BooleanreadOnlyThis property is true if the gadget is read-only.
StringtablePropertyManagerNameContains the name of the table property manager used by this gadget or null if the data source's table property manager is used. Initially, this property is null.
BooleanuseTablePropertiesContains true if the gadget uses table properties. Note that the gadget will effectively use table properties if this property is true and if the data source to which it is connected is also using table properties. Initially, this property is true.
VariantvalueContains the value of the entry field. The type of this property depends on the column's data type.
DatatypevalueTypeContains the data type of the value. Its string representation can be one of the following:
  • String

  • Integer

  • Boolean

  • Double

  • Float

  • Decimal

  • Date

  • Time

Although this property is not read-only, it should not be assigned if the entry field is connected to a data source.