Accessors for class IliCellPaletteStruct



This class allows you to dynamically override the fill palette, text palette, and font used to draw cells in a table gadget. This requires defining a GetCellPalette table gadget callback. This callback will be called once for each cell being drawn. It can then alter the table gadget's cellPaletteStruct property to change the font and colors that will be used to draw the cell.
Here is an example of how it can be used:
     function OnGetCellPalette(tg) {
        var cps = tg.cellPaletteStruct;
        cps.background = ((cps.row % 2 == 0)
                          ? "green"
                          : "white");

Note that it should only be used inside the GetCellPalette table gadget callback.

ColorbackgroundContains the background color of the cell.
IntcolumnContains the column position of the cell relative to the table
FontfontContains the font of the cell.
ColorforegroundContains the foreground color of the cell.
IntrowContains the row position of the cell to the table
BooleanselectedThis property is true if the cell is
InttableColumnContains the column position of the cell relative to the underlying table. Its value can be different from that of the row property if the table gadget has local column geometry and columns have been