Code Samples > RDBMS-Specific Examples
RDBMS-Specific Examples
A few RDBMS-specific examples are shipped with the standard distribution. They illustrate RDBMS-specific features.
For Informix9 or Informix US, the inf9obj.cpp sample file illustrates how to access named row and collection type columns.
For Oracle, the oraproc.cpp file is an example of stored procedures while the oracurs.cpp file is an example of how to use an output parameter of cursor type.
For Oracle, the ora8obj.cpp example illustrates how to access varrays and objects on selection, and how to use parameters of object and collection types.
For Oracle, the notif.cpp example shows how an application can register to a list of events, and then get asynchronously notified when some of these events occur.
For Sybase, you can find the following sample files:
*sybproc for an example of a stored procedure call,
*sybtrig for an example of a trigger firing,
*sybcomp for an example of the compute clause.

Version 5.8
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