Cursors > Large Objects (LOBs) > Sending Large Objects
Sending Large Objects
With Rogue Wave DB Link, you have only one way of sending LOBs to the database server, namely through the member functions IldRequest::insertLongText or IldRequest::insertBinary.
Both member functions actually update an already existing row using the discrimination clause passed in the fifth argument. This argument must contain a valid where clause, reduced to the predicate part —that is, without the where keyword.
Sending Text Data
The member function IldRequest::insertLongText takes five arguments:
*the text data buffer,
*the data length,
*a table name,
*a column name,
*a reduced where clause.
This code extract shows that you must send the column data as a whole.
// Prepare the where clause of the update
ostr << " NAME = '" << name << "'" << ends;
// Find out file size
int len = inFile.seekg(0, ios::end).tellg();
char* buff = new char [len + 1];
if (!buff) {
cout << "Memory exhausted: cannot allocate text buffer" << endl;
res = IlFalse;
else {
// Read in data
inFile.seekg(0, ios::beg); // Back to beginning of file, len);
// Proper text insertion.
if (!request->insertLongText(buff, len, "USERTABLE",
"VALUE", str))
res = IlFalse;
Sending Binary Data
The member function IldRequest::insertBinary takes four arguments:
*An IldBytes structure holding the data and its length,
*A table name,
*A column name, and
*A reduced where clause.

Version 5.8
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