abstract data types
Also called user-defined data types. In Rogue Wave® DB Link, they are supported —only for Object-Relational Database Management Systems— as objects of the class IldADTDescriptor.
Application Parameter Descriptor/Application Row Descriptor. Row and parameter descriptors as defined by the CLI standard at application level. See also descriptors, IPD/IRD.
array bind mode
A configuration feature whereby DB Link sends several rows of parameter values each time a prepared query is executed. See also array fetch mode.
array fetch mode
A configuration feature whereby DB Link fetches several rows at a time from the current result set and buffers the returned values. See also array bind mode.
date as string
A configuration feature that allows you to send and retrieve date-and-time values as strings. See also numeric as object, numeric as string.
deferred execution
An execution mode whereby the SQL statement must be parsed and the parameters bound and set before the query is actually executed. Choose this mode for queries that contain placeholders (for which values must be passed) or that will be executed more than once. See also immediate execution.
Like the CLI standard, DB Link differentiates between implementation-level descriptors, which are instances of the base class IldDescriptor, and application-level descriptors, which are instances of the subclass IldAppDescriptor. However, unlike the CLI standard, DB Link does not differentiate between row and parameter descriptors. See also APD/ARD, IPD/IRD.
error reporter
An instance of the class IldErrorReporter that is automatically attached as an error handler to any IldDbms or IldRequest object.
immediate execution
A query execution mode whereby the SQL statement is sent to the server immediately via the function IldRequest::execute. Choose this mode when the query has no placeholder or parameter and will be used only once.
Implementation Parameter Descriptor/Implementation Row Descriptor. Row and parameter descriptors as defined by the CLI standard at implementation level. See also descriptors, APD/ARD.
multiple execution
A query execution mode whereby one call to the member function IldRequest::execute will process several rows in the database. See also differed execution, immediate execution.
numeric as object
A configuration feature that allows you to send and retrieve numeric and decimal values in object form. This feature is intended to make up for the drawback of the numeric as string feature, which entails dependency on the current locale settings. See also date as string, numeric as string.
numeric as string
A configuration feature that allows you to send and retrieve large exact numeric and decimal values as strings without any loss in precision. See also date as string, numeric as object.
Sometimes also called parameter marker. Marks a slot where values must be supplied before the SQL statement can be executed. The standard placeholder is a question mark, but some RDBMSs, such as Oracle use other formats.
repeated execution
An execution mode whereby a query that has been appropriately prepared is executed as many times as necessary by successive calls to the overloaded member function IldRequest::execute. Before each execution, you can set new bindings for the input variables (placeholders) and output columns. See also multiple execution.
schema entity
Any autonomous structure in a database schema, such as tables, views, stored procedures, user-defined data types, and synonyms (as opposed to indexes or primary keys, which cannot be described independently of a table).
special column
A column that uniquely identifies one row in a table.
A sequence of SQL statements executed as one block, as enclosed between initiation and commit or rollback.
user-defined data types
See abstract data types.

Version 5.8
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