CODSymbolComponent Class

class CODSymbolComponent: public CODComponent, public IODNode, public IODConnectionEventListener

Symbol components are composite components that can have labels and connections to other symbols.

Symbols are typically composed of more primitive components. They can be loaded from files or as application resources.

A symbol can have one or more ports. Each port can have one or more connection. The symbol maintains a list of ports and a list of connections. Each connection object binds two ports together. Both symbols involved in the connection have a pointer to the connection object. Ports and symbols on the opposite end of a connection from a given symbol are referred to as dependents.

A symbol can have one or more labels. Symbols and labels are sibling components and have an owner-slave relationship, rather than a parent-child relationship. This is so that the symbols and labels can be transformed somewhat independently of each other. Labels are always included in their owner's translate set, which means that the same translations applied to the symbol are also applied to the labels. The bounding region of a symbol includes its labels. When the region of a label is changed, its parent is notified through the  OnLabelRgnUpdate method.

Symbols implement the  IODNode interface, which provides methods to traverse symbols and links as a directed or undirected graph. Edges are defined by dependent (i.e. connected) symbols that support the  IODEdge interface.

Defined in: OdSymbolComp.h

See Also

CODComponent,  IODNode,  CODPortComponent,  CODLabelComponent,  CODConnection,  IODConnectionEventListener,  Component Property Identifiers

Class Members



 CODSymbolComponent(const CODSymbolComponent& src)

Copy constructor.

virtual  ~CODSymbolComponent()


BOOL  Create()

Creates the symbol component.

BOOL  Create(LPCTSTR lpszPath)

Creates the symbol component from a file.

BOOL  Create(UINT nID)

Creates the symbol component from a resource.


Creates the symbol component from a resource.

BOOL  Create(CODComponentSet* pCompSet)

Creates the symbol component from a list of existing components.

CODSymbolComponent&  operator=(const CODSymbolComponent& src)

Assignment operator.

virtual CODComponent*  Dup() const

Create a duplicate copy of this object.

CODPortSet m_setPorts

The ports that this component contains.

CODCirclePort * m_pCenterPort

All components have a port at their center.

CODConnectionSet m_setConnections

The connections that this component contains.

CODLabelSet m_setLabels

The list of labels of the symbol.

CODRgn m_rgnWithoutLabels

Region occupied by symbol excluding its labels.

BOOL  AddPort(CODPortComponent* pPort)

Return the component ID of the symbol.

BOOL  AddPort(CODPortComponent* pPort)

Adds a port to the symbol.

int  GetNumPorts() const

Returns the number of ports in the symbol.

CODPortComponent*  GetPort(const int nPortIdx) const

Returns a pointer to the port at the given index.

BOOL  RemovePort(const int nPortIdx)

Removes a port from the symbol.

virtual BOOL  MovePort(CODPortComponent* pPort, const int nOffsetX, const int nOffsetY)

Moves a port attached to the symbol.

void  RemoveAllPorts()

Removes all ports from the symbol.

virtual CODPortComponent*  GetPortAt(const CPoint& ptAt, const int nSlop = 0) const

Returns a pointer to the port at the given point.

virtual CODPortComponent*  CreateCenterPort()

Create the center port for the symbol.

void  EnableCenterPort(const BOOL bEnable)

Returns a pointer to the built-in port located at the center of the bounding rectangle of the symbol.

void  EnableCenterPort(const BOOL bEnable)

Enables or disables the center port.

void  GetAllPorts(CODPortSet& setPorts)

Returns a list of all ports in the symbol.

void  DrawPorts(CDC *pDC)

Draw all ports in the symbol to the given DC.

void  SetPortsVisible(const BOOL bVisibleFlag)

Set visibility for all ports belonging to the symbol.

CODConnection*  GetConnection(CODPortComponent* pSourcePort, CODPortComponent* pTargetPort) const

Locates the connection associated with the given ports.

void  GetAllConnections(CODConnectionSet& setConnections) const

Returns a list of all connections for the symbol.

void  GetConnectionsOnPort(const int nPortIdx, CODConnectionSet& setConnections) const

Returns a list of all connections on a given port.

void  GetConnectionsOnPort(CODPortComponent* pPort, CODConnectionSet& setConnections) const

Returns a list of all connections on a given port.

CODPortComponent*  GetPortOnConnection(CODConnection* pConnection) const

Returns the port which the symbol owns on a given connection.

CODPortComponent*  GetDependentPortOnConnection(CODConnection* pConnection) const

Returns the port at the other end of a given connection.

void  GetConnectionsToComponent(CODComponent* pTargetComponent, CODConnectionSet& setConnections) const

Returns a list of connections from this symbol to another symbol.

BOOL  IsConnectionSource(CODConnection* pConnection) const

Determines if this symbol owns the source port of the given connection.

virtual BOOL  FollowConnection(CODConnection* pConnection)

Positions this symbol so that it follows the given connection.

virtual void  GetAllDependents(CODComponentSet* pDependentSet)

Get all components connected to this symbol.

virtual void  GetMovingConnections(CODConnectionSet& setConnections)

Gets all connections to this symbols that potentially move when the symbol moves.

virtual CODConnection*  Connect(CODPortComponent* pSourcePort, CODPortComponent* pTargetPort)

Determines if the two given ports can be connected.

virtual CODConnection*  Connect(CODPortComponent* pSourcePort, CODPortComponent* pTargetPort)

Create a connection between two ports.

virtual void  Disconnect(CODPortComponent* pSourcePort, CODPortComponent* pTargetPort)

Delete a connection between two ports.

virtual void  Disconnect(CODConnection* pConnection)

Delete a given connection.

virtual void  Disconnect(CODComponent* pTargetComponent)

Delete all connections to the given symbol.

void  DisconnectAll()

Delete all connections to this symbol.

int  DisconnectAllExcept(CODComponentSet& setComponents)

Delete all connections except ones to the given set of components.

virtual BOOL  Attach(CODConnection* pConnection)

Add an existing connection to the symbol.

virtual BOOL  Detach(CODConnection* pConnection)

Remove the connection from the symbol.

virtual BOOL  AttachDependent(CODConnection* pConnection)

Add the connection to the dependent symbol.

virtual BOOL  DetachDependent(CODConnection* pConnection)

Remove the connection from the dependent symbol.

void  AttachAllDependents()

Attach all connections belonging to this symbol.

void  DetachAllDependents()

Detach all connections belonging to this symbol.

BOOL  QueueConnectionEvent(CODPortComponent* pPort, const int nNotifyCode, const UINT nPriority)

Queues a connection event to connections on a given port.

BOOL  QueueConnectionEvent(const int nNotifyCode, const UINT nPriority)

Queues a connection event on connections of every port.

void  DispatchConnectionEvents(CODConnectionMap& mapNotified)

Dispatches all queued connection events.

void  ClearConnectionEvents()

Removes all queued connection events without dispatching them.

virtual CODLabelComponent*  CreateLabel(const LPCTSTR lpszText, const OD_CONTROL_POINT ctlPoint, CDC* pDC = NULL)

Creates a new label and adds it to the symbol.

virtual CODLabelComponent*  CreateLabel(const LPCTSTR lpszText, CDC* pDC = NULL)

Creates a new label and adds it to the symbol.

BOOL  AddLabel(CODLabelComponent* pLabelComp)

Adds a label to the symbol.

BOOL  InsertLabel(CODLabelComponent* pLabelComp, const int nLabelIdx)

Inserts a label into the symbol.

BOOL  RemoveLabel(const int nLabelIdx)

Returns the number of labels in the symbol.

BOOL  RemoveLabel(const int nLabelIdx)

Returns a pointer to the label at the given index.

BOOL  RemoveLabel(const int nLabelIdx)

Removes a label from the symbol.

BOOL  RemoveLabel(CODLabelComponent* pLabelComp)

Removes a label from the symbol.

void  RemoveAllLabels()

Removes all labels from the symbol.

virtual CPoint  CalcLabelPosition(CODLabelComponent* pLabel)

Calculates the position of a given label.

virtual CPoint  SetOrigin(int x, int y)

Set the origin of this component relative to the container and in the container's units

virtual CPoint  MoveOrigin(int xOff,int yOff)

Move the origin of this component by specified deltas

virtual CPoint  OffsetOrigin(int xOff, int yOff)

Offset the origin of this component by specified deltas

virtual void  Scale(float fScaleX, float fScaleY, float fOriginX, float fOriginY)

Scales the component in reference to a point.

virtual int  GetTranslateSet(CODComponentSet& setComponents)

Return a list of components to be translated along with this component.

virtual void  InitChildProperties(CODComponent* pChild)

Parent has a chance to initialize properties for new children

virtual CODRgn  GetEdgeRgn()

Returns a region surrounding the edges of the component.

virtual CODRgn  UpdateRgn(const BOOL bNotifyParents = FALSE)

Update the region data and bounding rectangle based on current points, transforms, or any other criteria.

virtual const CODRgn&  DoRgnUpdate()

Calculates the region of the symbol.

virtual void  OnLabelRgnUpdate(CODLabelComponent* pLabel)

Return a reference to the base region object.

virtual void  OnLabelRgnUpdate(CODLabelComponent* pLabel)

Called by the framework to notify a parent that a label region has changed.

virtual IODEdge*  GetEdge(const ODComponentId edgeId)

Return a pointer to the given edge.

virtual int  GetNumEdges() const

Return a count of all edges touching the node.

virtual int  GetNumEdgesLeaving() const

Return a count of edges leaving the node.

virtual int  GetNumEdgesEntering() const

Return a count of edges entering the node.

virtual int  GetEdges(IODEdgeCollection* pIEdges)

Retrieve all edges touching the node.

virtual int  GetEdgesLeaving(IODEdgeCollection* pIEdges)

Retrieve all edges leaving the node.

virtual int  GetEdgesEntering(IODEdgeCollection* pIEdges)

Retrieve all edges entering the node.

virtual IODNode*  GetNodeAdjacent(IODEdge* pIEdge)

Retrieve the node adjacent to this node on a given edge.

virtual int  GetNodesAdjacent(IODNodeCollection* pINodes)

Retrieve all adjacent nodes.

virtual int  GetNodesAdjacentFrom(IODNodeCollection* pINodes)

Retrieve nodes adjacent from this node.

virtual int  GetNodesAdjacentTo(IODNodeCollection* pINodes)

Retrieve nodes adjacent to this node.

virtual int  GetNodesConnected(IODNodeCollection* pINodes)

Retrieve all connected nodes.

virtual int  GetNodesConnectedFrom(IODNodeCollection* pINodes)

Retrieve nodes that are connected from this node.

virtual int  GetNodesConnectedTo(IODNodeCollection* pINodes)

Retrieve nodes that are connected to this node.

virtual void  OnDraw(CDC* pDC)

Does the actual drawing of the component.

virtual void  OnAdd(CODComponent* pParent)

Called by the framework when the component is added to a parent.

virtual void  OnRemove(CODComponent* pParent)

Called by the framework when the component is removed from its parent.

virtual void  OnMove()

Called by the framework when the component changes position.

virtual void  OnConnect(CODConnection* pConnection)

Called by the framework when a connection is created.

virtual BOOL  OnConnectionMove(CODConnection* pConnection)

Called by the framework when a given connection is moving.

virtual void  OnDisconnect(CODConnection* pConnection)

Called by the framework before a connection is destroyed.

virtual BOOL  OnRemoveDependent(CODConnection* pConnection)

Called by the framework when the dependent on the given connection is removed.

virtual void  OnGroup(CODComponent* pGroup)

Called by the framework when the component is added to a group.

virtual bool  HandleEvent(sfl::IEvent* pIEvent)

Receive an event and attempt to handle it.

BOOL  LoadFromFile(LPCTSTR lpszPath)

Loads the symbol from a file.

BOOL  LoadFromResource(UINT nID)

Loads the symbol from a resource.

BOOL  LoadFromResource(UINT nID, HINSTANCE hInst)

Loads the symbol from a resource.

virtual void  Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Serializes the symbol.


Add a reference to this object.


Release a reference to this object.

virtual void  UpdateCenterPort()

Called by the framework to update the properties of the center port.