CODRulerComponent Class
class CODRulerComponent: public CODPointComponent
The ruler component draws either a horizontal or vertical ruler within its bounds. In order to perform conversions, the ruler component is passed a pointer to an IODRuler interface. The unit of measurement used for the ruler is determined by calling IODRuler::GetUnitOfMeasure on the ruler interface passed in. The OD_PROP_RULER_ORIENTATION property determines whether the ruler is horizontal or vertical. The OD_PROP_RULER_ORIENTATION property can be set to either odg_nHorizontalRuler or odg_nVerticalRuler. The OnDraw method draws the hash marks and numbers on the ruler.The ruler can draw up to 7 levels of detail. Each level of detail is a set of hash marks that are separated by a given increment value determined by the unit of measure. For example, the levels of detail for inches are 36, 12, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 inches. The OD_PROP_LOWER_DETAIL_THRESHOLD and OD_PROP_UPPER_DETAIL_THRESHOLD properties specify the minimum and maximum number of pixels that a given level of detail must occupy in order to be drawn on the ruler. In other words, if a given level of detail is too small or too large it isn't drawn.
The following properties are added to the component by this class:
Defined in: OdRulerComp.h
See Also
Component Property Identifiers
Class Members
CODRulerComponent(IODRuler* pIRuler = NULL)
CODRulerComponent(const CODRulerComponent& src)
Copy constructor.
virtual ~CODRulerComponent()
IODRuler* m_pIRuler
Pointer to ruler object for unit of measure and conversions.
CPoint m_ptRulerOrg
Point on ruler that represents the origin.
CFont* m_pVerticalFont
Rotated font used for drawing vertical ruler.
BOOL Create(const int nOrientation, const CRect& rcBounds)
Creates the ruler component.
void SetRuler(IODRuler* pIRuler)
Sets the ruler interface.
int GetOrientation() const
Return the ruler orientation
CODRulerComponent& operator=(const CODRulerComponent& src)
Assignment operator.
virtual CODComponent* Dup() const
Create a duplicate copy of this object.
CRect GetLocalBounds() const
Gets the local points to the given logical rectangle.
BOOL SetLocalBounds(const CRect& rect)
Sets the local points to the given logical rectangle.
virtual void OnPrepareDC(CDC* pDC)
Creates GDI objects and sets up the device context for drawing.
virtual void OnCleanupDC(CDC* pDC)
Frees GDI objects and restores the state of the device context.
virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
Draws the ruler component onto a device context.
virtual void CalculateRgn(CODRgn* pRgn)
Calculates the bounding rectangle of the component.
virtual void CalculateLogicalUnits(CDC* pDC)
Convert any real-world measurements, such as points, to logical units using the given device context.
virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)
Serializes the label component.