CODLineProperties Class

class CODLineProperties: public CODProperty, public CPropertyContainer< IODPropertyContainer, sfl::CPropertyAccessor< CODLineProperties > >

A collection of properties that define how the lines will be drawn for a component.

This class is both a property and a container for properties. It implements the  IODPropertyContainer interface for getting and setting values that it contains. Each sub-property contained by line property objects has a unique identifier (see  Line Property Identifiers) for getting and setting each value. There are also methods to directly set each property.

Defined in: OdLineProp.h

Class Members

 CODLineProperties(int nId = OD_PROP_LINE)


 CODLineProperties(const CODLineProperties& propLine)

Copy constructor.

virtual  ~CODLineProperties()


COLORREF m_crColor

The line color.

BOOL m_bTransparent

TRUE if the line is transparent.

int m_nPointSize

The line width in points.

int m_nWidth

The line width in logical units.

int m_nStyle

The line style.

CPen* m_pPen

Cached GDI pen.

COLORREF  GetColor() const

Gets the line color.

void  SetColor(const COLORREF crColor)

Sets the line color.

BOOL  GetTransparent() const

Gets the transparent setting.

void  SetTransparent(const BOOL bTransparent)

Sets the transparency.

int  GetPointSize() const

Gets the point size of the font.

void  SetPointSize(const int nPointSize, CDC* pDC = NULL)

Sets the point size of the font.

int  GetWidth() const

Gets the line width.

void  SetWidth(const int nWidth, CDC* pDC = NULL)

Sets the line width.

int  GetStyle() const

Gets the line style.

void  SetStyle(const int nPenStyle)

Sets the line style.

virtual BOOL  CompareId(const int nId) const

Compare the property identifier with another identifier.

CODLineProperties&  operator=(const CODLineProperties& propLine)

Sets this set of line properties equal to another.

BOOL  operator==(const CODLineProperties propLine) const

Determines if another set of line properties is equal to this one.

CPen*  CreatePen(CDC* pDC = NULL) const

Creates a GDI pen object. The caller is responsible for freeing this memory!

CPen*  GetPen(CDC* pDC = NULL)

Returns a pointer to the cached GDI pen object.

void  ReleasePen()

Releases the cached pen object.

virtual CODProperty*  Dup()

Makes a copy of this properties object.

virtual void  Merge(CODProperty* pProperty, DWORD dwChangeFlags = OD_CHANGE_ALL)

Merges another set of properties with this one.

virtual BOOL  IsEqual(CODProperty* pProp)

Determines if another set of properties is equal to this one.


Add a reference to this object.


Release a reference to this object.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, CString& strValue) const

Gets the value of the given string property.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, int& nValue) const

Gets the value of the given integer property.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, UINT& nValue) const

Gets the value of the given unsigned integer property.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, DWORD& dwValue) const

Gets the value of the given DWORD property.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, float& fValue) const

Gets the value of the given float property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, LPCTSTR lpszValue)

Sets the value of the given string property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, const int nValue)

Sets the value of the given integer property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, const UINT nValue)

Sets the value of the given unsigned integer property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, const DWORD dwValue)

Sets the value of the given unsigned DWORD property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, const float fValue)

Sets the value of the given float property.

virtual void  Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Serializes the line properties.