CODLineComponent Class

class CODLineComponent: public CODPointComponent

A line component is one or more line segments consisting of two or more vertices. The  Create method allows the caller to supply the set of vertices for the line. Endpoint objects can be attached to a line by calling the functions  SetSourceEndpoint and  SetTargetEndpoint. An endpoint is an object that is derived from the  CODEndpoint class and that draws an adornment, such as an arrow or circle, for either endpoint of a line.

The boolean property OD_PROP_ORTHOGONAL can be set for a line component to force the line to maintain 90 degree angles at each vertex. The  SetOrthogonal method sets the OD_PROP_ORTHOGONAL property and the  IsOrthogonal method returns the value of the OD_PROP_ORTHOGONAL property. The  TestOrthogonality method tests the angle at each vertex to verify that all angles are 90 degrees. The  MakeOrthogonal adjusts the vertices of the line so that all angles are 90 degrees. The MakeOrthogonal method uses the integer properties to determine the minimum amount of spacing between vertices when line segments must be added to make the line orthogonal: OD_PROP_LINEPAD_LEFT, OD_PROP_LINEPAD_TOP, OD_PROP_LINEPAD_RIGHT, OD_PROP_LINEPAD_BOTTOM.

The following properties are added to the component by this class:


Defined in: OdLineComp.h

See Also

Component Property Identifiers

Class Members



 CODLineComponent(const CODLineComponent& src)

Copy constructor.

virtual  ~CODLineComponent()


BOOL  Create(CODPointArray* pPointArray)

Creates the line component from an array of points.

BOOL  Create(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount)

Creates the line component from an array of points.

CODLineComponent&  operator=(const CODLineComponent& src)

Assignment operator.

virtual CODComponent*  Dup() const

Create a duplicate copy of this object.

CODEndpoint* m_pSourceEndpoint

Representation of the source endpoint.

CODEndpoint* m_pTargetEndpoint

Representation of the target endpoint.

CODEndpoint*  GetSourceEndpoint()

Gets the representation of the source endpoint.

void  SetSourceEndpoint(CODEndpoint* pEndpoint)

Sets the representation of the source endpoint.

CODEndpoint*  GetTargetEndpoint()

Gets the representation of the target endpoint.

void  SetTargetEndpoint(CODEndpoint* pEndpoint)

Sets the representation of the target endpoint.

int  GetLineLength()

Gets the total length of the line.

CPoint  FindPercentageAlong(int nPercent)

Finds the point at a certain percentage along the line.

CPoint  FindPercentageAlong(int nPercent, int& nVertex1, int& nVertex2)

Finds the point at a certain percentage along the line.

BOOL  IsOrthogonal() const

Returns boolean that indicates if 90 degree angles are enforced.

void  SetOrthogonal(const BOOL bFlag)

Sets boolean that indicates if 90 degree angles should be enforced.

virtual BOOL  TestOrthogonality() const

Determines if the line is currently orthogonal.

void  MakeOrthogonal()

Updates the points in the line so that it is orthogonal.

void  MakeOrthogonal(const CSize& szDirEndPt1, const CSize& szDirEndPt2)

Updates the points in the line so that it is orthogonal.

virtual void  CalcEndpointDirections(CSize& szDirPt1, CSize& szDirPt2)

Calculates a direction vector for each endpoint.

virtual CPoint  GetOrthogonalPoint(const int nRow, const int nCol, const CRect& rcPadding)

Returns a point orthogonal to the two endpoints of the line.

virtual void  CalcOrthogonalPoints(CODPointArray& ptsOut, const CSize& szDirEndPt1, const CSize& szDirEndPt2)

Returns the set of points needed to connect the endpoints of the line using line segments that form 90 degree angles.

virtual OD_MOVEVERTEX_RC  CalculateMovedVertices(int nIndex, int nOffsetX, int nOffsetY)

Calculates the new position of a vertex given an offset.

virtual BOOL  CanInsertVertex()

Returns non-zero if a vertex can be inserted (lines always can have additional vertices so this override always returns TRUE.

virtual BOOL  CanDeleteVertex()

Returns non-zero if a vertex can be deleted (lines can have no fewer than 2 vertices).

virtual void  OnDraw(CDC* pDC)

Draws the line.

virtual void  DrawSourceEndpoint(CDC* pDC)

Draws the source endpoint.

virtual void  DrawTargetEndpoint(CDC* pDC)

Draws the target endpoint.

virtual CODRgn  GetEdgeRgn()

Returns a region surrounding the edges of the component. In the case of a line component, it is the same as the normal region.

virtual void  CalculateRgn(CODRgn* pRgn)

Calculates the region of the window taken up by the line component.

virtual void  Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Serializes the line component.