CODEditProperties Class

class CODEditProperties: public CODProperty, public CPropertyContainer< IODPropertyContainer, sfl::CPropertyAccessor< CODEditProperties > >

This class holds all the standard editing properties of a component. By associating edit properties with a component, you can control the ability of the user to select, move, rotate, scale, stretch, or otherwise change it.

This class is both a property and a container for properties. It implements the  IODPropertyContainer interface for getting and setting values that it contains. Each sub-property contained by edit property objects has a unique identifier (see  Edit Property Identifiers) for getting and setting each value. There are also methods to directly set each property.

Defined in: OdEditProp.h

Class Members

 CODEditProperties(int nId = OD_PROP_EDIT)


 CODEditProperties(const CODEditProperties& propEdit)

Copy constructor.

virtual  ~CODEditProperties()


BOOL m_bReadOnly

True means user cannot move, rotate, scale or edit the properties.

BOOL m_bCanSelect

Can this component be selected.

BOOL m_bCanMove

Can this component be moved.

BOOL m_bCanRotate

Can this component be rotated.

BOOL m_bCanScale

Can this component be scaled.

BOOL m_bCanStretch

Can this component be stretched out of proportion.

BOOL m_bCanEditProps

Can the component's properties be changed.

BOOL m_bCanContain

Does this component support addition and removal of child components via drag and drop.

BOOL m_bCanEditVertices

Can the component's vertices be edited?

BOOL  IsReadOnly() const

Checks if the component is read only.

BOOL  GetReadOnlyFlag() const

Checks if the read only flag is set.

void  SetReadOnly(const BOOL bReadOnly)

Sets whether the component is read only.

BOOL  CanSelect() const

Checks if the component can be selected.

BOOL  GetCanSelectFlag() const

Checks if the selection flag is set.

void  SetCanSelect(const BOOL bCanSelect)

Sets whether the component can be selected.

BOOL  CanMove() const

Checks if the component can be moved.

BOOL  GetCanMoveFlag() const

Checks if the component move flag is set.

void  SetCanMove(const BOOL bCanMove)

Sets whether the component can be moved.

BOOL  CanRotate() const

Checks if the component can be rotated.

BOOL  GetCanRotateFlag() const

Checks if the component rotate flag is set.

void  SetCanRotate(const BOOL bCanRotate)

Sets whether the component can be rotated.

BOOL  CanScale() const

Checks if the component can be scaled.

BOOL  GetCanScaleFlag() const

Checks if the component scale flag is set.

void  SetCanScale(const BOOL bCanScale)

Sets whether the component can be scaled.

BOOL  CanStretch() const

Checks if the component can be stretched out of proportion.

BOOL  GetCanStretchFlag() const

Checks if the component stretch flag is set.

void  SetCanStretch(const BOOL bCanStretch)

Sets whether the component can be stretched out of proportion.

BOOL  CanEditProps() const

Checks if the component's properties can be edited.

BOOL  GetCanEditPropsFlag() const

Checks if the component's property edit flag is set.

void  SetCanEditProps(const BOOL bCanEditProps)

Sets whether the component's properties can be edited.

BOOL  CanContain() const

Checks if the component supports containment.

BOOL  GetCanContainFlag() const

Checks if the component containment flag is set.

void  SetCanContain(const BOOL bCanContain)

Sets whether the component supports containment.

BOOL  CanEditVertices() const

Checks if the component's vertices can be edited.

BOOL  GetCanEditVerticesFlag() const

Checks if the component's vertex editing flag is set.

void  SetCanEditVertices(const BOOL bCanEditVertices)

Sets whether the component's vertices can be edited.

virtual BOOL  CompareId(const int nId) const

Compare the property identifier with another identifier.

CODEditProperties&  operator=(const CODEditProperties& propEdit)

Sets this set of font properties equal to another.

BOOL  operator==(const CODEditProperties propEdit) const

Determines if another set of fill properties is equal to this one.

virtual CODProperty*  Dup()

Creates a copy of these properties.

virtual void  Merge(CODProperty* pProperty, DWORD dwChangeFlags = OD_CHANGE_ALL)

Merges another set of properties with this one.

virtual BOOL  IsEqual(CODProperty* pProp)

Determines if this set of properties is equal to another.


Add a reference to this object.


Release a reference to this object.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, CString& strValue) const

Gets the value of the given string property.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, int& nValue) const

Gets the value of the given integer property.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, UINT& nValue) const

Gets the value of the given unsigned integer property.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, DWORD& dwValue) const

Gets the value of the given DWORD property.

virtual BOOL  GetValue(const int nPropId, float& fValue) const

Gets the value of the given float property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, LPCTSTR lpszValue)

Sets the value of the given string property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, const int nValue)

Sets the value of the given integer property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, const UINT nValue)

Sets the value of the given unsigned integer property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, const DWORD dwValue)

Sets the value of the given unsigned DWORD property.

virtual BOOL  SetValue(const int nPropId, const float fValue)

Sets the value of the given float property.

virtual void  Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Serializes the line properties.