CODCompPropSheet Class
class CODCompPropSheet: public CPropertySheet
Generates a property sheet for setting diagram component properties.Defined in: OdCompPropSheet.h
Class Members
CODCompPropSheet(CODComponentSet* pCompSet, CODViewport* pViewport, LPCTSTR pszCaption, UINT nPageFlags = OD_PROPPAGE_ALL, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, UINT iSelectPage = 0)
CODCompPropSheet(CODComponentSet* pCompSet, CODViewport* pViewport, UINT nIDCaption, UINT nPageFlags = OD_PROPPAGE_ALL, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, UINT iSelectPage = 0)
void GetCompList(CODComponent* pComp, CODComponentSet* pSet, BOOL bCheckReadOnly = FALSE)
Recursive routine which gets the child components of the passed
virtual BOOL Do(sfl::MvcCommand* pCmd)
Execute and log a command
virtual sfl::MvcCommand* Undo()
Undo a command
virtual sfl::MvcCommand* Redo()
Redo a command
virtual sfl::MvcCommand* PeekUndo()
What is the next command on the undo stack
virtual sfl::MvcCommand* PeekRedo()
What is the next command on the redo stack
virtual SEC_INT DoModal()
Creates a modal component property sheet.
virtual BOOL Create(CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, DWORD dwStyle = (DWORD)1, DWORD dwExStyle = 0)
Creates a modeless component property sheet.
virtual BOOL OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
Process control command messages.
void SetViewport(CODViewport* pViewport)
Set the referenced diagram viewport.
CODModel* GetModel() const
Get the referenced diagram model.
virtual ~CODCompPropSheet()
CODCompPropSheet destructor.
virtual void AddCustomPage(CPropertyPage* pPage)
Add a custom PP to the custom Page array
virtual void AddCustomPages()
Add all custom pages, called by DoModal()
virtual BOOL ApplyCustomPages(CODMacroCommand* pMacroCmd)
Apply all the custom pages at the end of DoApply()
virtual void OnOK()
OK button event handler.
virtual void OnCancel()
Cancel button event handler.
virtual void OnApply()
Apply-Now button event handler.
afx_msg void OnDestroy()
WM_DESTROY event handler.
virtual void Init(UINT nPageInitFlags = OD_PROPPAGE_ALL)
Initializes property sheet with component properties.
virtual void Init(CODPropertySet* pPropSet, UINT nPageInitFlags = OD_PROPPAGE_ALL)
Initializes property sheet with properties from property set.
CODCommand* CreateChangeCommand()
Create a command object to update the components with the current changes.
virtual void ChangeProperties(CODPropertySet* pPropSet)
Apply user selections to property set.
CODAxPP* m_pwndAxPage
ActiveX property page.
CODEditCompPP* m_pwndEditPage
Edit property page.
CODTextCompPP* m_pwndTextPage
Text property page.
CODLabelCompPP* m_pwndLabelPage
Label property page.
CODLineCompPP* m_pwndLinePage
Line property page.
CODFillCompPP* m_pwndFillPage
Fill property page.
CODFontCompPP* m_pwndFontPage
Font property page.
CODPosSizeCompPP* m_pwndPosSizePage
Position and size property page.
void UndoApplyChanges()
Flag set if Apply-Now changes have been made.
void UndoApplyChanges(CODPropertySet* pPropSet)
Undoes changes to components made after Apply-Now command handling.
CODViewport* m_pViewport
Undoes changes to properties made after Apply-Now command handling.
CODViewport* m_pViewport
Diagram viewport that owns this property sheet.
CODComponentSet m_setComponents
Diagram model containing components.
CODComponentSet m_setComponents
Components acted upon by property sheet.
UINT m_nPageFlags
Options to be presented on property sheet.
Used to set/retrieve Name property page data.
Used to set/retrieve Edit property page data.
Used to set/retrieve Text property page data.
Used to set/retrieve Edit property page data.
Used to set/retrieve Line property page data.
Used to set/retrieve Fill property page data.
Used to set/retrieve Font property page data.
Used to set/retrieve Position and size property page data.
CString m_strName
Component name, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
CString m_strOldName
Old component name, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
CString m_strType
Component type, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
CString m_strOldType
Old component type, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
CString m_strText
Component text, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
CString m_strOldText
Old component text, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
BOOL m_bTransparent
Component transparency, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
BOOL m_bOldTransparent
Old component transparency, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
COLORREF m_clrTransparent
Component transparency color, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
COLORREF m_clrOldTransparent
Old component transparency color, used to initialize property sheet when a property set is used rather than a component set (this value is not actually an OD property).
CMap<CODComponent*,CODComponent*,BOOL,BOOL> m_mapReadOnly
Maps components to their saved names.
CMap<CODProperty*,CODProperty*,CODComponent*,CODComponent*> m_mapOldProps
Maps saved properties to their respective components.
CMap<CODProperty*,CODProperty*,CODProperty*,CODProperty*> m_mapOldPropToProp
Maps saved properties to their counterpart properties.
CArray<CPropertyPage*, CPropertyPage*> m_CustomPages
Array of Custom Propertie Pages
sfl::MvcTransactionModel m_tm
Transaction model used for apply.