SECToolBarSheet Class
class SECToolBarSheet: public CPropertySheet
The SECToolBarSheet class constructs a property sheet used in conjunction with toolbar button templates created by the classes SECToolBarCmdPage and SECToolBarsPage.
Defined in: tbarpage.h
SECToolBarSheet supports a Customize dialog that lets the user create a custom toolbar with a set of buttons in a style geared toward a particular task. This dialog displays a list of toolbars to the user, and allows the user to manipulate these toolbars. Through the toolbar dialog, the user can choose between large or small buttons, tooltips enabled or disabled, and conventional appearance or the new cool look.
See the sample TOOLBAR in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\DOCKING\TOOLBAR directory for a demonstration of this class.
See Also
SECCustomToolBar SECToolBarCmdPage
Class Members
SECToolBarSheet(UINT nIDCaption = IDS_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZE, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, UINT iSelectPage = 0) : (UINT nIDCaption = IDS_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZE, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, UINT iSelectPage = 0)
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