SECRegistry Class
class SECRegistry: public CObject
SECRegistry encapsulates the APIs used to access and modify the Windows registry in a single class. The bulk of the SECRegistry member functions pertain to the Win32 API; and a smaller number are used in a Win16 environment.
See the REGDEMO sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\UTILITY\REGDEMO directory for a demonstration of this class.
Defined in: SECREG.H
Developer Notes
The following static data members were not accessed correctly when compiled as an extension dll and have been removed from this class. Please use the corresponding constants defined in WINREG.H:
static HKEY hKeyLocalMachine;//HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
static HKEY hKeyClassesRoot;//HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
static HKEY hKeyUsers;//HKEY_USERS
static HKEY hKeyCurrentUser;//HKEY_CURRENT_USER
enum CreationDisposition
Creation dispositions
enum CreateOptions
Create options
enum CreatePermissions
Create Permissions
enum KeyValueTypes
Key value types
enum NotifyChangeFilter
Notify change filters
Class Members
Constructs a SECRegistry object.
virtual void Initialize( void )
Initializes data members.
virtual BOOL Create( LPCTSTR lpszSubkeyName, LPCTSTR name_of_class = NULL, CreateOptions options = optionsNonVolatile, CreatePermissions permissions = permissionAllAccess, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes = NULL, CreationDisposition * pDisposition = NULL )
Creates key in registry (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL Create( LPCTSTR name_of_subkey, LPCTSTR name_of_class = NULL )
Creates key in registry (16-bit only).
virtual BOOL Close( void )
Closes the current key (16 and 32-bit).
virtual BOOL Connect(HKEY hKeyToOpen = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, LPCTSTR lpszComputerName = NULL, BOOL bCloseKeyOnDisconnect = TRUE)
Establishes a connection with the registry (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL DeleteKey( LPCTSTR lpszKeyToDelete, BOOL bRecursive = FALSE)
Deletes the specified key from the registry (16 and 32-bit).
virtual BOOL DeleteValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueToDelete)
Deletes the named registry value of the current key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL EnumerateKeys( const DWORD dwSubkeyIndex, CString& strSubkeyName)
Enumerates subkeys of the currently open key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL EnumerateKeys( const DWORD dwSubkeyIndex, CString& strSubkeyName, CString& strClassName )
Enumerates subkeys of the currently open key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL EnumerateKeys(const DWORD dwSubkeyIndex, LPTSTR lpszSubkeyName, LPDWORD lpdwSubkeyNameSize, LPTSTR lpszClassName = NULL, LPDWORD lpdwClassNameSize = NULL)
Enumerates subkeys of the currently open key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL EnumerateKeys( const DWORD dwIndex, LPTSTR lpszBuffer, DWORD dwBufferSize)
Enumerates subkeys of the currently open key (16-bit only).
virtual BOOL EnumerateValues( const DWORD dwValueIndex, CString& strValueName, KeyValueTypes* pTypeCode = NULL, LPBYTE lpbDataBuffer = NULL, LPDWORD lpdwSizeDataBuffer = NULL)
Enumerates values of the currently open key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL EnumerateValues( const DWORD dwValueIndex, CString& strValueName, KeyValueTypes& type_code )
Enumerates the values of the currently open key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL EnumerateValues( const DWORD dwValueIndex, CString& strValueName, KeyValueTypes& type_code, LPBYTE lpbDataBuffer, DWORD& dwSizeDataBuffer )
Enumerates the values of the currently open key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL Flush( void )
Writes the attributes of the currently open key.
virtual BOOL GetBinaryValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CByteArray& return_array )
Retrieves a REG_BINARY value (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL GetDoubleWordValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, DWORD& dwReturnValue )
Retrieves a REG_DWORD value (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL GetSecurity( const SECURITY_INFORMATION security_info, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR data_buffer, DWORD& dwSizeDataBuffer)
Encapsulates the RegGetSecurity() call (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL GetStringValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CString& strReturn )
Retrieves a REG_SZ value (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL GetStringArrayValue( LPCTSTR name_of_value, CStringArray& return_array )
Retrieves a REG_MULTI_SZ value (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL GetSubkeys(LPCTSTR lpszBuffer, UINT& nKeys)
Determines the number of subkeys in the curently open key.
virtual BOOL GetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CByteArray& return_array )
Retrieves a REG_BINARY value (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL GetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, DWORD& dwReturnValue )
Retrieves a REG_DWORD value (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL GetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CStringArray& return_array )
Retrieves a REG_MULTI_SZ value (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL GetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, CString& strReturn )
Retrieves a REG_SZ value (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL Load( LPCTSTR lpszSubkeyName, LPCTSTR lpszFileName )
Loads a registry key from a file (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL NotifyChange( const HANDLE hEvent = NULL, const NotifyChangeFilter changes_to_be_reported = notifyLastSet, const BOOL bAllSubkeys = changeSpecifiedKeyOnly, const BOOL bWaitForChange = WAIT_FOR_CHANGE )
Indicates when a registry key has changed (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL Open( LPCTSTR lpszSubkey, const CreatePermissions security_access_mask = permissionAllAccess )
Opens a registry key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL Open( LPCTSTR lpszSubkey)
Opens the specified key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL QueryInfo( void )
Queries for information about the currently opened key (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL QueryValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, KeyValueTypes& value_type, LPBYTE lpbBuffer, DWORD& dwBufferSize)
Retrieves the type and data for a specified value name (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL QueryValue( LPCTSTR lpSubKey, SECPBYTE lpbBuffer, LONG& lBufferSize)
Retrieves the type and data for a specified value name (16-bit only).
virtual BOOL Replace( LPCTSTR lpszSubkeyName, LPCTSTR lpszNewFile, LPCTSTR lpszBackupFile)
Encapsulates the RegReplaceKey API (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL Restore( LPCTSTR lpszSavedTreeFile, const DWORD dwVolatilityFlags = NULL )
Encapsulates the RegRestoreKey API (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL Save( LPCTSTR lpszDestFile, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes = NULL )
Encapsulates the RegSaveKey API (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetBinaryValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, const CByteArray& bytes_to_write )
Sets a value for the key name specified as REG_BINARY (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetDoubleWordValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, DWORD dwValue )
Sets a value for the key name specified as REG_DWORD (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetSecurity( const SECURITY_INFORMATION& SecurityInformation, const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor )
Encapsulates the RegSetKeySecurity API (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetStringValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, const CString& string_value )
Sets a value for the key name specified as REG_SZ (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetStringArrayValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, const CStringArray& string_array )
Sets a value for the key name specified as REG_MULTI_SZ (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, const CByteArray& bytes_to_write )
Sets a value for the key name specified as REG_BINARY (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, DWORD dwValue )
Sets a value for the key name specified as REG_DWORD (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, const CStringArray& strings_to_write )
Sets a value for the key name specified as REG_MULTI_SZ (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, const CString& strWrite )
Sets a value for the key name specified as REG_SZ (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, const KeyValueTypes type_of_value_to_set, LPBYTE lpbValueData, const DWORD dwSize )
Sets a value for the key name specified (32-bit only).
virtual BOOL SetValue( LPCTSTR lpSubKey, const CString& strWrite )
Sets a value for the key name specified (16-bit only).
virtual BOOL UnLoad( LPCTSTR lpszSubkey )
Encapsulates the RegUnLoadKey API.
static BOOL KeyToStr(HKEY hKey,CString& strKey)
Converts an HKEY constant to its string equivalent.
static HKEY StrToKey(const CString& strKey)
Converts a string equivalent to an HKEY value.
LONG m_lErrorCode
The error code for the last operation.
HKEY m_hKey
The handle to the currently open registry key.
HKEY m_hRegistry
The handle to the current registry.
DWORD m_dwLongestSubkeyNameLength
The longest subkey name length of last queried key.
DWORD m_dwLongestClassNameLength
The longest class name length of last queried key.
DWORD m_dwLongestValueNameLength
The longest value name length of last queried key.
DWORD m_dwLongestValueDataLength
The longest value data length of last queried key.
DWORD m_dwSecurityDescriptorLength
The longest security descriptor length of last queried key.
FILETIME m_fileTimeLastWrite
The time the last queried key was written to.
CString m_strClassName
The class name of the currently open key.
CString m_strComputerName
The computer name for the currently connected registry.
CString m_strKeyName
The name of the currently open key.
CString m_strRegistryName
The name of the currently connected registry.
DWORD m_dwNumberOfSubkeys
The number of subkeys of the last queried key.
DWORD m_dwNumberOfValues
The number of values in the last queried key.
CTime m_timeLastWrite
The time the last queried key was written to.
BOOL m_bRemote
Indicates whether the registry is local or on a remote system.
Incidates whether the registry key should be closed when done.