SECListBoxFileEditor Class
class SECListBoxFileEditor: public SECListBoxEditor
The SECListBoxFileEditor class is an editable list box that is customized for entering a list of filenames. An SECListBoxFileEditor object enables users to enter filenames by typing them or by picking them from a file selection dialog. Most of the implementation, look and behavior is inherited from its SECListBoxEditor base class. So, refer to the documentation for SECListBoxEditor for a more complete explanation of the features and programming interface of an editable list box.
The SECListBoxFileEditor and SECBrowseFileEdit classes are somewhat similar in purpose: both allow filenames to be entered by hand or by dialog. The distinction between them is that an SECListBoxFileEditor object is a list box specialized for entering filenames, whereas an SECBrowseFileEdit is an edit control specialized for the same purpose.
See the LBEDIT sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\CONTROLS\LBEDIT directory for a demonstration of the SECListBoxFileEditor class.
Defined in: lstbxedt.h
See Also
SECListBoxEditor SECListBoxDirEditor SECBrowseFileEdit
Class Members
virtual BOOL Initialize(CWnd* pwndParent, UINT uiID, int iFlags = LBE_DEFAULT)
Attaches an SECListBoxFileEditor object to an existing list box control.
void SetBrowseCaption(const TCHAR* pcszCaption)
Sets the text to use in the file selection dialog’s caption.
void SetFileFilters(const TCHAR* pcszFilters)
Sets the file filters to be used in the file selection dialog.
void SetDefaultExtension(const TCHAR* pcszExt)
Sets the default filename extension to be used in the file
void SetInitialFileName(const TCHAR* pcszName)
Sets the initial filename to be displayed in the file selection
virtual void OnBrowse()
Called when the browse button is clicked.
Protected data members
CString m_strCaption
The selection dialog’s caption text.
CString m_strFilters
The file filters.
CString m_strInitialFile
The initially displayed filename.
CString m_strExt
The default filename extension.