SECFrameDockingFeatureBase Class
class SECFrameDockingFeatureBase
Advanced docking frame window feature base class
Defined in: FrameDockBase.h
Provides base advanced docking functionality that is not tied directly to a particular docking target type. The frame docking feature is the primary interface utilized to merge advanced docking window support with a particular frame window. SECFrameDockingFeatureBase is not intended to be instantiated directly, but rather serve as a base class for a concrete implementation.
See Also
Class Members
virtual BOOL EnableDocking(CWnd* pParent,DWORD dwDockStyle=SEC_DOCK_ANY, BOOL bCreateNewLocalDockMgr=FALSE, SECLNDockingMgr* pMgr=NULL)
Enable docking to the specified borders
virtual BOOL DockNode(SECLayoutNode* pNode)
Dock a dockable layout node to the associated frame window
virtual BOOL DockNode(SECLayoutNode* pNode,DockSite site)
Dock a dockable layout node to the associated frame window
virtual BOOL FloatNode(SECLayoutNode* pNode,LPCRECT lpRectScreen=NULL)
Float a dockable layout node to the specified screen rectangle
virtual BOOL ShowNode(SECLayoutNode* pNode,BOOL bShowNode=TRUE)
Show/Hide an associated dockable layout node
virtual BOOL ToggleNodeVisible(SECLayoutNode* pNode)
Toggle the current visibility state of an associated dockable node
virtual void SetBorderLayout(SECLNBorderClient::BorderAlgorithm BorderAlg,BOOL bRecalc=TRUE)
Query the current visibility state of an associated dockable node
virtual void SetBorderLayout(SECLNBorderClient::BorderAlgorithm BorderAlg,BOOL bRecalc=TRUE)
Set the current border layout algorithm used for positioning the associated dockable nodes
virtual BOOL SetFloatConfig(SECLayoutNode* pNode,BOOL bHideOnClose,BOOL bCloseEnabled=TRUE, CRect* pMRUFloatRect=NULL)
Set floating window parameters associated with a specific dockable node