SECFileSystem Class

class SECFileSystem: public CObject

SECFileSystem is a class designed to provide access to common filesystem functions such as reading a directory or copying a file. You can also access parsing, GUI, and CStringList functions.

See the FILEDEMO sample in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\UTILITY\FILEDEMO directory for a demonstration of this class.

Defined in: filesys.h

Class Members



Constructs a SECFileSystem object.


enum  Attribute

File attributes

File Operations

BOOL  CompareFiles(const CString& FileName1, const CString& FileName2, const unsigned long lBuffSize = 10240)

Compares the contents of one file with another.

BOOL  CopyFile(const CString& SourceFileName, const CString& DestFileName, const unsigned long lBuffSize = 10240)

Copies the contents of one file to another.

BOOL  CopyFiles(const CString& FileSpec, const CString& DestPath, const BOOL bIgnoreErrors = FALSE, const unsigned long eFileAttrib = normal)

Copies more than one file to another subdirectory.

BOOL  DeleteFile(const CString& FileName)

Deletes a files.

BOOL  DeleteFiles(const CString& FileSpec, const unsigned long eFileAttrib = normal)

Deletes specified files (i.e., *.txt).

BOOL  FileExists(const CString& PathAndFileName)

Determines if a file exists.

BOOL  GetFileAccessTime(const CString& FileName, CTime& time)

Returns the time and date the file was last accessed.

BOOL  GetFileAttribute(const CString& FileName, BYTE& Attribute)

Returns the attribute bits for the file.

BOOL  GetFileCreateTime(const CString& FileName, CTime& time)

Returns the time and date the file was created.

BOOL  GetFileModifyTime(const CString& FileName, CTime& time)

Returns the time and date the file was last modified.

BOOL  GetFileSize(const CString& FileName, unsigned long& lSize)

Returns the size of the file in bytes.

BOOL  GetFileStatus(const CString& FileName, CFileStatus& FileStatus)

Returns the file status.

BOOL  RenameFile(const CString& OldFileName, const CString& NewFileName)

Renames a file.

BOOL  GetFileCreateTime(const CString& FileName, COleDateTime& time)

Returns the time and date the file was created.

BOOL  GetFileAccessTime(const CString& FileName, COleDateTime& time)

Returns the time and date the file was last accessed.

BOOL  GetFileModifyTime(const CString& FileName, COleDateTime& time)

Returns the time and date the file was last modified.

Parsing Operations

CString  AppendWildcard(const CString& Path, const CString& Wildcard)

Appends a wildcard to a path.

CString  GetBaseFileName(const CString& PathAndFileName)

Returns the filename without path or extension.

CString  GetExtension(const CString& PathAndFileName)

Returns the extension of the filename.

CString  GetFileName(const CString& PathAndFileName)

Returns the filename and extension of a filespec.

CString  GetFileSystem(const CString& PathAndFileName)

Returns the filesystem of the specified filespec.

CString  GetFullPathName(const CString& PathAndFileName)

Expands the specified filespec into a full path.

CString  GetPath(const CString& PathAndFileName, const BOOL bIncludeFileSystem = TRUE)

Returns the path of the specified filespec.

Directory Reading Operations

CStringList*  GetDirectory(const CString& SearchString, const unsigned long eFileAttrib, const BOOL bRecurseSubDirs=FALSE, CStringList *pStringList = NULL)

Returns a list of files based on a filespec.

CString*  GetDirectoryEntry(const CString& Wildcard = "", const unsigned long eFileAttrib = normal)

Returns a single directory entry.

CStringList*  GetFileList(const CString& SearchString, const unsigned long eFileAttrib)

Returns a list of files in the specified directory.

CStringList*  GetSubdirList(const CString& SearchDir, const BOOL bPathInName = TRUE)

Returns a list of directories in the specified directory.

Directory Operations

BOOL  CompareDirectories(const CString& PathName1, const CString& PathName2, const BOOL bRecurseSubdirs = FALSE, const BOOL bCompareFileContents = FALSE, const unsigned long eFileAttrib = normal)

Compares the file names, sizes, and contents of two directories.

BOOL  ChangeDirectory(const CString& NewDirectory)

Changes the current working directory.

BOOL  DeleteDirectory(const CString& Directory, const BOOL bDeleteFilesAndDirs = FALSE)

Deletes a directory and all its files and subdirectories.

BOOL  DirectoryExists(const CString& Path)

Determines if the specified directory exists.

CString  GetCurrentDirectory(const CString& FileSystem = "")

Returns the current directory name.

LONG  GetDirectorySize(const CString& Directory = "", const CString& WildCard = "*.*", const BOOL bRecurseSubdirs = FALSE)

Returns the number of bytes in all the files in a directory.

BOOL  MakeDirectory(const CString& NewDirectory)

Creates a subdirectory.

BOOL  MakePath(const CString& NewDirectory)

Makes a subdirectory (including all intervening dirs necessary).

BOOL  RenameDirectory(const CString& OldName, const CString& NewName)

Renames a directory.

File System Operations

BOOL  ChangeFileSystem(const CString& FileSystem)

Changes the current filesystem.

CString  GetCurrentFileSystem()

Returns the current filesystem.

CStringList*  GetFileSystemList()

Returns a list of available filesystems.

LONG  GetFileSystemType(const CString& FileSystem)

Returns the type of the specified filesystem.

LONG  GetFreeSpace(const CString& FileSystem)

Returns the number of available bytes on the specified filesystem.

ifndef UNDER_CE

Returns the number of available bytes on the specified filesystem.

BOOL  FileSystemExists(const CString& FileSystemName)

Returns whether the specified file system exists.

LONG  GetTotalSpace(const CString& FileSystem)

Returns the number of bytes (used and unused) on the specified filesystem.

ifndef UNDER_CE

Returns the number of bytes (used and unused) on the specified filesystem.

CString  GetVolumeLabel(const CString& FileSystem)

Returns the volume label of the specified filesystem.

BOOL  IsReadOnlyFileSystem(const CString& FileSystem)

Determines if the specified filesystem is writeable.

MFC GUI Operations

static void  LoadComboBox(CComboBox *pComboBox, const CStringList * pStringList)

Insert the members of a CStringList into a combo box.

static void  LoadListBox(CListBox *pListBox, const CStringList * pStringList)

Insert the members of a CStringList into a list box.

MFC StringList Operations

static void  Sort(CStringList *pStringList, BOOL bCase = TRUE)

Sort a CStringList.