SECControlBar Class

class SECControlBar: public CControlBar

SECControlBar replaces CControlBar as the base class for all your control bars.

Defined in: sbarcore.h


SECControlBar adds support for sizing while docked, automatic stretching when resized and a default context menu with facilities for adding and removing menu items. (NOTE: All control bars formally derived from CControlBar must be rederived from SECControlBar. No CControlBars are allowed when using Objective Toolkit’s docking window enhancements, as they lack the member variables required to perform the sizing calculations.)

See the sample VIZ in the \SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\DOCKING\VIZ directory for a demonstration of this class.

See Also

SECToolBar  SECCustomToolBar

Class Members



Constructs an SECControlBar object.

virtual BOOL  Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, UINT nID, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, CCreateContext* pContext = NULL)

Creates a control bar and attaches it to an SECControlBar object.

virtual BOOL  Create(CWnd* pParentWnd, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext = NULL)

Creates a control bar and attaches it to an SECControlBar object.

virtual void  GetInsideRect(CRect& rectInside) const

Retrieves attributes associated with control bar’s inside rectangle.

BOOL  IsMDIChild() const

Determines whether control bar has been re-parented by an MDI child window.


static BOOL  m_bOptimizedRedrawEnabled

TRUE if optimized redraw is in effect.

static BOOL  GetOptimizeRedrawEnabled()

Cross-dll accessor to get m_bOptimizedRedrawEnabled state.

static void  SetOptimizedRedrawEnabled(BOOL bOptimize)

Cross-dll accessor to set m_bOptimizedRedrawEnabled state.

BOOL  GetBarSizePos(int& nRow,int& nCol)

Access function to get the position of a bar.

BOOL  GetBarSizePos(int& nRow,int& nCol,int& nDockbarID)

Access function to get the position of a bar with the ID.

BOOL  GetBarSizePos(int& nRow,int& nCol,int& nDockbarID,float& fPctWidth,int& nHeight)

Access function to get the position of a bar with the ID, height, and percentage width.

Public data members

CSize  m_szDockHorz

Dimensions when docked horizontally.

CPoint  m_ptDockHorz

Location when docked horizontally.

CSize  m_szDockVert

Dimensions when docked vertically.

CSize  m_szFloat

Dimensions when floating.

DWORD  m_dwMRUDockingState

Remember docking state when “Allow Docking” unchecked.

float  m_fPctWidth

The percentage of the dock bar’s width this control bar occupies.

float  m_fDockedPctWidth

The percentage of the dock bar’s width this control bar occupies.

DWORD  m_dwExStyle

Extended style bits.

Protected data members

CRect  m_rcBorderSpace

White space around bar used for dragging.

SECControlBarManager*  m_pManager

Control bar manager.

SECGripperInfo  m_GripperInfo

Gripper information.

CRect  m_rcGripperCloseButton

Gripper close button.

CRect  m_rcGripperExpandButton

Expand button


void  EnableDocking(DWORD dwDockStyle)

Enables control bar docking.

virtual SECDockContext *  NewDockContext(void)

This member is called by EnableDocking() to instantiate a derivative of SECDockContext

virtual void  SetExBarStyle(DWORD dwExStyle,BOOL bAutoUpdate=FALSE)

Set the extended bar style.

virtual void  ModifyBarStyleEx(DWORD dwRemove,DWORD dwAdd,BOOL bAutoUpdate=FALSE)

Called to give control bars derived from SECControlBar a chance to modify

static UINT  GetUniqueBarID(CFrameWnd* pMainWnd,UINT nBaseID=0x100)

Static utility function to derive a unique controlbar id

static BOOL  VerifyUniqueBarIds(CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd)

Static utility function to verify all existing controlbars have unique ids.

static BOOL  VerifyUniqueSpecificBarID(CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd,UINT nBarID)

Static utility function to verify a specific controlbar id is unique


virtual CSize  CalcDynamicLayout(int nLength, DWORD dwMode)

Return the size of a dockable bar

virtual void  OnBarBeginDock()

Virtual function that can be overridden to handle special requirements before a bar is docked.

virtual void  OnBarEndDock()

Virtual function that can be overridden to handle special requirements after a bar is docked.

virtual void  OnBarBeginFloat()

Virtual function that can be overridden to handle special requirements before a bar is floated.

virtual void  OnBarEndFloat()

Virtual function that can be overridden to handle special requirements after a bar is floated.

virtual void  OnBarBeginMDIFloat()

Virtual function that can be overridden to handle special requirements before a bar is floated as a MDI child window.

virtual void  OnBarEndMDIFloat()

Virtual function that can be overridden to handle special requirements after a bar is floated as a MDI child window.


virtual BOOL  OnGripperClose()

Gripper button callback. Return FALSE to abort closing.

virtual BOOL  OnGripperExpand()

Gripper button callbacks. Return FALSE to abort expansion.