SECBrowseEditBase Class

class SECBrowseEditBase: public CEdit

SECBrowseEditBase is an abstract base class that provides the interface and some of the functionality of a browse edit control. A browse edit is a Windows edit control with a browse button positioned immediately to its right. A browse button is a push button labeled "..." which pops up a dialog when pressed. This modal dialog presents the user with possible values for the edit field and accepts the user’s choice. After the user chooses, the selection is entered into the text field automatically. Of course, the user can still type the value in directly if they prefer. The browse button is meant to help the user enter a value if they are unsure what values are legal or believe it would be faster to pick the value from a dialog than to type it in.

To use this class, derive your own class from SECBrowseEditBase and override the OnBrowse method. The text field and browse button will be created and positioned for you by the SECBrowseEditBase base class. But it is the responsibility of your derived class to define the response to a browse button press. The OnBrowse method is automatically called when the browse button is pressed, so override this method and code your response.  SECBrowseFileEdit and  SECBrowseDirEdit are two classes which derive from SECBrowseEditBase, so refer to their implementations for an example of how this is done.

See the TOOLMENU sample in the ...\SAMPLES\TOOLKIT\STANDARD\UIEXT\TOOLMENU directory for a demonstration of SECBrowseEditBase.

Defined in: browedit.h

Class Members



Constructs a SECBrowseEditBase object.

BOOL  Initialize(UINT uiID, CWnd* pWndParent)

Attaches an SECBrowseEditBase object to an existing


void  SetBrowseCaption(LPCTSTR lpcszCaption)

Sets dialog caption text

LPCTSTR  GetBrowseCaption() const

Retrieves the dialog caption text.

SECBrowseButton*  GetBrowseButton() const

Retrieves the browse button.


virtual void  OnBrowse()

Override to customize the response to a button press.

virtual WNDPROC*  GetSuperWndProcAddr()

Retrieves the pointer to the window procedure.

Protected data members

SECBrowseButton*  m_pBrowseBtn

The browse button pointer.

CString  m_strCaption

The dialog's caption string.