

See IObjectWithSite::SetSite in Win32 SDK for details. Default implementation in this class does three things. First it obtains the window handle from the given site interface and store the handle in the m_hParentWnd member if succeeded. Then it call the create method of the derived class to create the window object for the derived class if it is not alread created. So the dervived class must contain a method Create(HWND, cont RECT&). Finally, it calls QueryInterface of the given site object to obtains IInputObjectSite interface to store it in the m_pSite member for later use. If all three are succeeded, return S_OK, otherwise return E_FAIL.

Defined in: SECBand.h

Return Value

HRESULT If succeeded return S_OK, otherwise return E_FAIL.



The site this band will be lived in.