SECAgentCharAct Class
class SECAgentCharAct: public CObject
The SECAgentCharAct is an abstract base class from which all the other Act objects are derived. This class provides the basic implementation for the Act object.
Executing a sequence of animation on a Character (let us call it an Act) within a SECAgentCharAct object will allow the Act to be represented by an ActID and also to be categorized as Critical or NonCritical. Using the ActID the corresponding Act can be interrupted any time at a later stage. Also, the underlying framework provides high priority to the Critical Acts by interrupting any current/pending NonCritical Acts.
Such classification of Acts into Critical/NonCritical and the ability to Interrupt the current Acts provide a powerful way of handling the agent character for demonstration and instruction purposes.
For example, if the character is in the middle of providing a tooltip hint, and the user triggers Dynamic Data Validation which causes a Message Prompt via the agent, then the agent should immediately abandon the tooltip task and move on to the DDV Prompt message task. This is possible only if the Acts are finely demarcated and prioritized, such as in this framework.
You can create custom Acts by deriving from this base class.
Defined in: ot_agent.h
Class Members
virtual UINT GetActTypeAndStatus()
Gets the Act's TypeAndStatus
virtual void SetActTypeAndStatus(UINT nTypeAndStatus)
Sets the Act's TypeAndStatus
virtual BOOL Execute()
Execute the Act
virtual void Interrupt()
Interrupt the Act
virtual notifications
virtual BOOL OnBeginAct()
Notification to indicate beginning of the act.
virtual void OnEndAct()
Notification to indicate the end of the act.
STDMETHODIMP OnBookMark(long dwBookMarkID)
Notification to indicate the completion of a bookmark.