


An array with 4 docked windows. Window can be docked at the left and right side of the horizontal scrollbar and at the bottom and top side of the vertical scrollbar:

  • m_apInsideWndState[gxLeft = 0] stores the window to be docked at the left side of the horizontal scrollbar.

  • m_apInsideWndState[gxTop = 1] stores the window to be docked at the top side of the vertical scrollbar.

  • m_apInsideWndState[gxRight = 2] stores the window to be docked at the right side of the horizontal scrollbar.

  • m_apInsideWndState[gxBottom = 3] stores the window to be docked at the bottom side of the vertical scrollbar.

Each member in this array is a pointer to a CGXInsideWndState structure:

struct CGXInsideWndState
   CWnd*   pWnd;
   int nAlign;
   CSize   size;
   CSize   sizeMin;
   CSize   sizeBox;
   BOOL   bResizable;
   long   lRelSize;
   // will be assigned in RecalcLayout
   CRect   rectWnd;
   CRect   rectBox;
   CSize   sizeMax;


  • pWnd holds a pointer to the CWnd to be docked

  • nAlign stores the docking position (gxLeft, gxTop, gxBottom or gxRight)

  • size stores the preferred size of the CWnd

  • sizeMin stores the minimum size of the window (if resizable)

  • sizeBox stores the size of the track box

  • bResizable specifies wheter the window should be resizable

  • lRelSize stores the relative size to the scollbar size (1000 is the whole scrollbar, 500 is half the scrollbar).


BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext)
   // use the new record info wnd with support for dynamic splitter views
   m_pWndSplitter = new CGXRecordInfoSplitterWnd;
   if (!m_pWndSplitter->Create( this,
      2, 2, // TODO: adjust the number of rows, columns
      CSize( 10, 10 ), // TODO: adjust the minimum pane size
      pContext ))
      return FALSE;
   m_pWndSplitter->m_nhSplitterBoxPos = gxLeft;
   m_pWndSplitter->m_nvSplitterBoxPos = gxBottom;
   // This is just some fancy sample to demonstrate that
   // you can embedd any CWnd into the scrollbar area
   // (e.g. like in MS Word a page up/page down button)
      CButton* pButton = new CButton();
      pButton->Create(_T("Resizable Button"), BS_PUSHBUTTON|WS_VISIBLE,
               CRect(0, 0, 1, 1),
      m_pWndSplitter->m_apInsideWndState[gxRight] = new CGXInsideWndState;
      CGXInsideWndState& state = *m_pWndSplitter->m_apInsideWndState[gxRight];
      state.pWnd = pButton;
      state.size = CSize(100, 5);
      state.sizeMin = CSize(50, 0);
      state.sizeBox = CSize(6, 0);
      state.nAlign = gxRight;
      state.bResizable = TRUE;
      state.lRelSize = 500;
      CButton* pButton = new CButton();
      pButton->Create(_T("X"), BS_PUSHBUTTON|WS_VISIBLE,
               CRect(0, 0, 1, 1),
      m_pWndSplitter->m_apInsideWndState[gxBottom] = new CGXInsideWndState;
      CGXInsideWndState& state = *m_pWndSplitter->m_apInsideWndState[gxBottom];
      state.pWnd = pButton;
      state.size = CSize(0,100);
      state.sizeMin = CSize(0, 50);
      state.sizeBox = CSize(0, 6);
      state.nAlign = gxBottom;
      state.bResizable = FALSE;
      state.lRelSize = 500;

   return TRUE;


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