CGXProgressCtrl Class Members
CGXProgressCtrl | Constructs a CGXProgressCtrl object. |
AddUserAttributes | Call this function to register the user attributes needed for the CGXProgressCtrl. |
SetProgressValue | A static function which lets you change the value for a single cell at run time with less flicker than CGXGridCore::SetValueRange. |
SetRWUXThemeUse | This call is used to enable or disable Roguewave usage of UXTheme library to load default and custom colors on the progress bar. |
OnGetCaption | This method is called to determine the caption text for the progress bar. By default, the progress bar uses the caption text specified with the user attribute GX_IDS_UA_PROGRESS_CAPTIONMASK. |
OnGetCaptionColor | This method is called to determine the color of the caption bar. By default, the caption bar color is determined with CGXStyle::GetTextColor and the background color is determined with CGXStyle::GetInterior. |
OnGetCaptionTextColor | This method is called to determine the color of the caption text. By default, the caption text color is determined with CGXStyle::GetInterior and the background text color is determined with CGXStyle::GetTextColor. |