CGXGridParam Class Members
CGXGridParam | Constructs a parameter object. |
Parent Grid
Grid | Returns a pointer to a CGXGridCore object that uses this stylesmap object. If the stylesmap object is shared by several grids, a pointer to the first CGXGridCore object is returned. |
operator= | Copies all settings from another parameter object. All embedded data objects (CGXData, CGXStylesMap, CGXProperties etc.) will also be copied. |
Serialize | Serializes the parameter object. |
CreateFromFile | Instantiates a parameter object and initializes its data from a layout file. The layout file can be created with Objective Grid Designer. |
CreateFromResource | Instantiates a parameter object and initializes its data from a binary resource. |
WriteToFile | Writes the parameter object and all its object members to a layout file. |
Object Members
SetData | Attaches a data object to the parameter object. If the parameter object already owns a pointer to a data object, the old one is replaced and if necessary deleted. |
GetData | Returns a pointer to the data object. |
SetPrintDevice | Attaches a printer device object to the parameter object. If the parameter object already owns a pointer to a printer device object, the old one is replaced and if necessary deleted. |
GetPrintDevice | Returns a pointer to the print device object. |
SetProperties | Attaches a properties object to the parameter object. If the parameter object already owns a pointer to a properties object, the old one is replaced and if necessary deleted. |
GetProperties | Returns a pointer to the properties object. |
SetStylesMap | Attaches a styles map object to the parameter object. If the parameter object already owns a pointer to a styles map object, the old one is replaced and if necessary deleted. |
GetStylesMap | Returns a pointer to the styles map. |
GetCoveredCellsList | Returns a pointer to the covered cells list. |
GetRangeList | Returns a pointer to the selected ranges list. |
EnableUndo | Enables or disables generation of undo information in subsequent commands. If you do execute commands in OnInitialUpdate, you should first disable undo creation, execute the necessary commands and at last enable undo creation, so that the user cannot undo the initial settings. |
IsEnableUndo | TRUE if undo creation is enabled. |
GetUndoList | Returns a reference to the undo list. |
GetRedoList | Returns a reference to the redo list. |
EmptyRedoList | Removes and deletes all commands maintained by the redo list. |
EmptyUndoList | Removes and deletes all commands maintained by the undo list. |
SetExcelLikeCurrentCell | Choose between the default Objective Grid and Excel-like behavior of the current cell. It is recommended that you also enable SetSyncCurrentCell and SetExcelLikeSelectionFrame if you enable SetExcelLikeCurrentCell. |
GetExcelLikeCurrentCell | Returns the setting that specifies whether the current cell uses (the default) Objective Grid or Excel-like behavior. |
SetExcelLikeSelectionFrame | Choose between only inverting selected cells or drawing a small frame around the selected range of cells as Excel does. It is recommended that you also enable SetSyncCurrentCell and SetExcelLikeCurrentCell if you enable SetExcelLikeSelectionFrame. |
GetExcelLikeSelectionFrame | Returns TRUE if a small frame shall be drawn around the selected range of cells. |
SetExcelLikeFillFlags | Enables Excel like auto fill with text or styles. |
GetExcelLikeFillFlags | Returns the Excel like auto fill setting. |
SetGridLineStyle | Choose between solid, dotted and dashed grid lines. |
GetGridLineStyle | Returns the type of grid lines to draw in the grid. |
SetNewGridLineMode | Choose between the old and the new grid line drawing. |
GetNewGridLineMode | Returns the grid line drawing mode. |
SetSmartResize | With smart resizing, the grid will redraw only those cells which were not visible before the user resizes the view. |
IsSmartResize | Returns TRUE if smart resizing is enabled. |
SetSortColsOnDblClk | Enable sorting the grid by a specific column when the user double-clicks on the header. |
GetSortColsOnDblClk | Returns TRUE if sorting the grid by a specific column when the user double-clicks on the header is enabled. |
SetSortRowsOnDblClk | Enable sorting the grid by a specific row when the user double-clicks on the header. |
GetSortRowsOnDblClk | Returns TRUE if sorting the grid by a specific row when the user double-clicks on the header is enabled. |
SetDrawWYSIWYG | Lets you specify if cells shall be drawn with respect to the current printer settings. |
IsDrawWYSIWYG | Determineswhether cells shall be drawn with respect to the current printer settings. |
SetEnterKeyAction | Lets you specify the default grid action when the user presses the ENTER key. The default is to move to the right cell. |
GetEnterKeyAction | Determinesthe default grid action when the user presses the ENTER key. |
SetUndoLimit | Lets you specify the maximum number of operations the grid shall hold in its undo list. Transactions will be handled like a single undo operation. |
GetUndoLimit | Returns the maximum number of operations the grid shall hold in its undo list. |
SetSyncCurrentCell | Enables or disables synchronizing current cell movements among views attached to the same document. |
IsSyncCurrentCell | Determineswhether synchronizing the current cell is enabled. |
SetSpecialMode | Enables the specified special mode. Call this method for using the grid as single or multiple selection list box. |
IsSpecialMode | Determineswhether the grid is in list box mode and the specified options are enabled. |
EnableChangeTab | Enables or disables changing the worksheet name by double-clicking on the associated tab in the tab beam. |
IsEnableChangeTab | Indicates if changing the tab is enabled. |
EnableMoveCols | Enables or disables moving columns by clicking the mouse on a selected column and dragging it to a new column. |
IsEnableMoveCols | Indicates if moving columns is enabled. |
EnableMoveRows | Enables or disables moving rows by clicking the mouse on a selected row and dragging it to a new row. |
IsEnableMoveRows | Indicates if moving rows is enabled. |
EnableSelection | Specifies the options available for the end user or disables selecting cells, rows, columns or the whole table with the keyboard or the mouse. |
IsEnableSelection | Determines if the end user can select cells and if the specified options are enabled. |
EnableThumbTrack | Enables or disables immediate scrolling of the grid when the user is dragging the scrollbar thumb. |
IsEnableThumbTrack | Indicates if the grid should scroll immediately when the user drags the scrollbar thumb. |
EnableTrackColWidth | Specifies the options or disables changing the column’s width by the end user. |
IsEnableTrackColWidth | Determines if the column’s width can be changed by the end user and the specified options are enabled. |
EnableTrackRowHeight | Specifies the options or disables changing the row’s height by the end user. |
IsEnableTrackRowHeight | Determines if the row’s height can be changed by the end user and the specified options are enabled. |
SetActivateCellFlags | Specifies options for activating/editing the current cell. Possible options are: after moving the cell, when clicking in the text, and when clicking on the cell. |
GetActivateCellFlags | Determines the options for activating/editing the current cell. |
SetDefaultComboBoxHeight | Specifies the default height for the CGXComboBox drop-down list box. |
GetDefaultComboBoxHeight | Returns the default height for the CGXComboBox drop-down list box. |
SetDrawOrder | Specifies whether cells should be loaded row by row or column by column when drawing. |
GetDrawOrder | Returns whether cells should be loaded row by row or column by column when drawing. |
SetEatFirstMouseClick | Specifies whether the grid view shall ignore the first mouse click when it gets activated. |
IsEatFirstMouseClick | Returns whether the grid view shall ignore the first mouse click when it gets activated. |
SetHideCurrentCell | Specifies options for hiding the frame of the current cell. Possible options are: never, when grid is inactive, or always. |
GetHideCurrentCell | Returns options for hiding the frame of the current cell. |
SetLockReadOnly | Call this method if you want to turn on/off the protection of read-only cells in the grid. |
IsLockReadOnly | Returns whether read-only cells in the grid are protected. |
SetMinTrackColWidth | Specifies the minimum width for columns when the end user is sizing them. |
GetMinTrackColWidth | Returns the minimum width for columns when the end user is sizing them. |
SetMinTrackRowHeight | Specifies the minimum height for rows when the end user is sizing them. |
GetMinTrackRowHeight | Returns the minimum height for rows when the end user is sizing them. |
SetNumberedColHeaders | Returns whether column headers are numbered (A,B,C,...) or if they depend on column information (e.g., a title for a column). If you display titles in column headers, you should set this attribute FALSE. This will increase performance when moving columns. |
SetNumberedRowHeaders | Specifies whether row headers are numbered (1,2,3,...) or if they depend on row information (e.g., a title for a row). If you display titles in row headers, you should set this attribute FALSE. This will increase performance when moving rows. |
IsNumberedColHeaders | Returns whether column headers are numbered (A,B,C,...) or if they depend on column information (e.g., a title for a column). |
IsNumberedRowHeaders | Returns whether row headers are numbered (1,2,3,...) or if they depend on row information (e.g., a title for a row). |
SetRemoveColsFlags | Specifies the type of undo information needed when removing columns. You can choose between none, column base styles, and cell contents. |
GetRemoveColsFlags | Returns the type of undo information needed when removing columns. |
SetRemoveRowsFlags | Specifies the type of undo information needed when removing rows. You can choose between none, row base styles, and cell contents. |
GetRemoveRowsFlags | Returns the type of undo information needed when removing rows. |
SetScrollLikeExcel | Specifies whether the grid should scroll when rows/columns are frozen and the user presses the left/up-arrow key on the first non-frozen column/row. |
IsScrollLikeExcel | Returns whether the grid should scroll when rows/columns are frozen and the user presses the left/up-arrow key on the first non-frozen column/row. |
SetSheetName | Specifies the sheet name for the grid if used in a workbook. |
GetSheetName | Returns the sheet name for the grid if used in a workbook. |
SetTransparentBackground | Specifies whether the background color for cells should be transparent. If TRUE, you could use a bitmap as background. |
IsTransparentBackground | Returns whether the background color for cells should be transparent. |
Control Factory
ImplementSerialize | Serialization: Provides implementation for serializing CGXGridParam, CGXProperties, CGXData and CGXStylesMap object. Forces also that the implementation for serializing style objects gets linked into the application or DLL. |
ImplementCopyOperator | Copy Parameter Object: Implements copy operator for CGXGridParamCGXProperties and CGXStylesMap. |
m_bDirectCopyPaste | TRUE if data should be copied within the grid with the CopyCells method and not using the clipboard. FALSE if conventional clipboard copy/paste should be used. |
m_bDirectCutPaste | TRUE if data should be moved within the grid with the MoveCells method and not using the clipboard. When cutting cells, cells will only be marked as cut and cleared only when the user executes a Paste command. If m_bDirectCutPaste is FALSE the conventional clipboard cut/paste will be used. |
m_bDirectDragDrop | TRUE if data should be copied or moved with CopyCells or MoveCells. FALSE if conventional clipboard cut/copy/paste should be used. |
m_nDisplayExpression | Toggles the display of formula expressions in inactive cells: GX_EXPR_DISPLAYALWAYS will display formula expression in inactive cells; GX_EXPR_DISPLAYACTIVE will display formula expression only in the active current cell; GX_EXPR_DISPLAYNEVER will display no formula expressions at all. |