class CGXBitmapButtonChild: public CGXButton
The CGXBitmapButtonChild class implements a bitmap button which can be used as a child in a control.
When the user clicks the button, the control's OnClickedButton method is called. The default behavior of this method is to call CGXGridCore::OnClickedButtonRowCol.
To process this event, you can either override the control’s OnClickedButton method or simply override OnClickedButtonRowCol in your CGXGridCore-derived class.
You should create and add the button child in the constructor of your CGXControl-derived class (the CGXChild description illustrates an edit control with a bitmap button).
The rectangle for the button should be passed to the child object when the control’s OnInitChildren method is called.
#include <gxall.h>
See Also
CGXControl CGXControl::OnClickedButton