SECImage Class

class SECImage: public CObject

SECImage is the abstract base class to the image classes. SECImage provides a common interface to access and manipulate image data which are maintained as unique file formats in the derived image classes. Using a common base class for the image format offers an advantage in being able to provide functionality for all image formats including image loading and saving, conversion between derived base classes, and image manipulation.

See the IMAGETST sample in the \\OT\\SAMPLES\\STANDARD\\IMAGES\\IMAGETST directory for a demonstration of this class.

Defined in: SECIMAGE.h

See Also


Class Members



Constructs a SECImage object.

virtual BOOL  CreatePalette()

Creates the image palette.


DWORD  dwGetWidth() const

Returns the width of the current image.

DWORD  dwGetHeight() const

Returns the height of the current image.


BOOL  CopyImage(SECImage *pSrc)

Creates a duplicate of the current image.

BOOL  ConvertImage(SECImage *pSrc)

Converts from one derived image class to another.

CBitmap*  MakeBitmap(CDC *pDC, const TCHAR *lpszFileName)

Creates a CBitmap from the current image data.

virtual BOOL  LoadImage(CFile* pFile)

Creates a CBitmap from the current image data.

virtual BOOL  LoadImage(CFile* pFile)

Loads image data from an image file.

virtual BOOL  LoadImage(LPCTSTR lpszFileName)

Loads image data from an image file.

virtual BOOL  SaveImage(CFile* pFile)

Saves the current image to a file in the format of the derived image class.

virtual BOOL  SaveImage(LPCTSTR lpszFileName)

Saves the current image to a file in the format of the derived image class.

BOOL  FlipHorz()

Flips the image vertically.

BOOL  FlipVert()

Flips the image horizontally.

BOOL  Rotate90(BOOL bClockwise=TRUE)

Rotates the image 90 degrees and swaps the width and height parameters.

void  ContrastImage(short nSharpen)

Modifies the contrast of an image.

BOOL  Crop(long nLeft, long nTop, long nWidth, long nHeight)

Crops an image to the specified dimensions.

DWORD  NumBytes() const

Calculates number of bytes based on bits per pixel.

WORD  NumColors() const

Calculates number of colors in bitmap based on bit count.

int  StretchDIBits(CDC *pDC, int XDest, int YDest, int cxDest, int cyDest, int XSrc, int YSrc, int cxSrc, int cySrc, const void FAR* lpvBits, LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi, UINT fuColorUse, DWORD fdwRop)

Encapsulates the ::StretchDIBits() call.

BOOL  CreateFromBitmap(CDC *pDC, CBitmap *pSrcBitmap)

Fills in an SECImage instance with DIB info.

static SECImage* ParseImage(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)

Static utility function that loads an image file into its appropriate SECImage class and returns the SECImage object.

static SECImage* ParseImage(CFile* pFile)

Static utility function that loads an image file into its appropriate SECImage class and returns the SECImage object.


virtual BOOL  PreLoadImage()

Called before an image is loaded.

virtual BOOL  PostLoadImage()

Called after an image is loaded.

virtual BOOL  PreSaveImage()

Called before an image is saved.

virtual BOOL  PostSaveImage()

Called after an image is saved.

virtual BOOL  DoSaveImage(CFile* pFile)

Saves the image to a file.

virtual BOOL  DoLoadImage(CFile* pFile)

Loads an image from a file.

Public data members

int  m_nSrcBitsPerPixel

Number fo bits per pixel in the image.

int  m_nSysBitsPerPixel

Number of bits per pixel in the current display.

int  m_nBitPlanes

Number of bit planes.

BOOL  m_bIsPadded

Indicates that the right margin has been padded to the nearest DWORD.

DWORD  m_dwPadWidth

The width of the image after padding.

DWORD  m_dwWidth

The width of the image in pixels.

DWORD  m_dwHeight

The height of the image in pixels.

WORD  m_wColors

The number of colors in the image.

WORD  m_wSysColors

The number of colors in the current display.

CPalette*  m_pPalette

A pointer to the palette for the image.

CFile*  m_pFile

The file object used to load and save the image.

LPBYTE  m_lpSrcBits

The image data (a flat buffer)


A pointer to the BITMAPINFO for this image.


A pointer to an array of RGBQUAD data types that define the colors in the bitmap.

BOOL  m_bUseHalftone

Indicates to use half tones.

int  m_nBitHolder

Used for conversion of 4 or 1 bit per pixel images to 8 bpp.

DWORD  m_dwBitCount

Used for conversion of 4 or 1 bit per pixel images to 8 bpp and greater.

DWORD  m_dwError

Error message.

BOOL  m_bSwapOnWrite

Flag to swap monochrome bytes when writing out. Default is TRUE;

Protected data members

DWORD  m_dwCacheMax

Maximum number of bytes in file cache.

DWORD  m_dwCacheSize

Size of current file cache in bytes.

DWORD  m_dwCachePos

Current file cache position.

LPBYTE  m_lpCache

The actual file cache array