SECBitmapButton Class
class SECBitmapButton: public SECOwnerDrawButton
The SECBitmapButton class implements a button which displays a bitmap and an optional caption on the button face.Defined in: SECBTNS.h
The alignment modes are specified in Alignment. The alignment of the bitmap in all modes except SECBitmapButton::Al_Center is always offset from the horizontal and vertical margins. This offset can be set with the SetIndents function. The caption will always be clipped so that it does not overwrite the bitmap.See the COLOR sample in the \\OT\\SAMPLES\\STANDARD\\CONTROLSCOLRWELL directory for a demonstration of this class.
You can attach SECBitmapButton objects to existing push buttons withm_bmpButton.AttachButton(IDC_BUTTON1, SECBitmapButton::Al_Left, IDB_BMP, this);You can dynamically create an SECBitmapButton button control with
m_bmpButton.Create("Help", WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|WS_CHILD, SECBitmapButton::Al_Left, IDB_HELP, rect, this, IDC_BUTTON1);
enum Alignment
The alignment modes.
Class Members
Creates a bitmap button object.
virtual BOOL AttachButton(int nCtlID, Alignment alignment, int nIDBmp, CWnd* pParentWnd, int iFlags=0)
Attaches the bitmap button object to an existing button.
virtual BOOL AttachButton(int nCtlID, Alignment alignment, LPCTSTR lpszBmpName, CWnd* pParentWnd, int iFlags=0)
Attaches the bitmap button object to an existing button.
virtual BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszCaption, DWORD dwStyle, Alignment alignment, LPCTSTR lpszBmpName, const CRect& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, int nID, int iFlags=0)
Dynamically creates a bitmap button control.
virtual BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszCaption, DWORD dwStyle, Alignment alignment, int nIDBmp, const CRect& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, int nID, int iFlags=0)
Dynamically creates a bitmap button control.
void SetIndents(CSize sz)
Sets the bitmap margin offsets.
CSize GetIndents() const
Returns the bitmap margin offsets.
void SizeToContent()
Size the button to fit it's contents.
BOOL SetBitmap(LPCTSTR lpszBmp)
Change the current bitmap
BOOL SetBitmap(int nIDBmp)
Change the current bitmap
virtual void CalcLayout()
Calculates the position of the bitmap and text.
virtual void DrawSpecific(CDC* pDC, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDS, CRect& rect)
Draws the face of the button.
virtual void DrawFocus(CDC* pDC, CRect& rect)
Draws the focus rectangle.
Protected data members
LPCTSTR m_lpszBmpName
Resource name for bitmap.
CBitmap m_bmp
The bitmap for the button.
CSize m_indents
Indentations of bitmap from edge of button face.
CRect m_bmpRect
Window rectangle for the bitmap
CRect m_textRect
Window rectangle for the text
Alignment m_alignment
The alignment mode.