IProperty Class
class IProperty: public IQueryGuid, public IRefCount
This interface provides access to a property. All properties have a unique ID, name, description, type, and category. Properties can optionally be associated with an IEnumeration, which makes them enumerated properties. The value of an enumerated property is an index into an array of values. This interface only provides access to the description of a property (i.e. the metadata). This interface does not provide access to the value of the property. The value of a property is always accessed through a property container IPropertyContainer. Properties are registered with properties containers and are accessed through the IPropertyContainer interface.Defined in: PropIface.h
Class Members
virtual PropertyId GetId() const
Get the ID of the property.
virtual VARTYPE GetVariantType() const
Get the variant type of the property.
virtual DWORD GetStyleFlags() const
Get the style flags for the property.
virtual void GetName(BSTR& bName) const
Get the name of the property.
virtual void GetDescription(BSTR& bDesc) const
Get the description of the property.
virtual int GetCategory() const
Get the category of the property.
virtual IEnumeration* GetEnumeration() const
Get the enumeration for the property.